XII - Who's Spiderman Now?

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School the next day is like a whole new world. Colors are ten times brighter. The atmosphere around you is warmer than anything. Suddenly, the building is so much larger. New possibilities jump out at you from every corner of it. A smile won't seem to leave your face. Couldn't make it disappear if you wanted to.

And then, down the hall, you see Peter. Around him, a sort of white glowing aura gives him an ethereal glow. Everyone else melts away and it feels as if it is only you and him. The only two people on the planet.

The slam of a locker snaps you out of your trance. You glance over your shoulder. Flash keeps shooting you dirty looks. Honestly, you feel a little bad. Even after the stupid pranks he pulled on you. While trying to make Peter jealous, you had flirted with Flash a ton. But he couldn't have actually fallen for you, right? You shrug. Doesn't matter now.

"Hey!" Peter greets you, spinning you around. You smile wide as he plants a quick kiss on your lips.

"Sup loser," you giggle, tucking some hair behind your ear.

He nestles his face into the crevice between your shoulder and your neck. "How are you doing today?"

You spin around so quickly he stumbles a bit from lack of balance. The scene is a bit amusing to you. Spiderman not being so quick on his feet. "So, I was thinking."

"Oh no," he teases.

You playfully punch him in the shoulder. "Shut up, Parker. I was thinking we should skip today?"

He does a double take. "What?"

"Yeah! We could go on a real date or something."

"And you want to skip class to do that?" He asks, curiously.

You frown. "I dunno. I thought it might be hot."

Peter runs a hand through your hair. "Eh, can anything be with you?"

Again, you punch him, a little harder this time. "Watch it Parker. Just because my wit needs a little sharpening right now doesn't mean I won't stab you with it later."

He holds his hands up in defense. "Alright, alright. If I agree will you refrain from stabbing me?"

You beam wide and wink. "We'll see."


A rush of adrenaline courses through your veins. The other times it was terrifying. Now, it's exhilarating. Wind whips your hair around as you soar through the air. Peter holds you tight in his arms as he swings building from building. Dressed in his red and blue suit, you can't decide if he's more attractive. Heroism is a turn on. But still, you don't get to see his eyes.

Your feet touch down on gravel a half hour later. In the shelter of a vacant alleyway, Peter pulls his mask off. He pulls you in for a nice kiss. You smile through it. You're never going to get used to kissing him, but you're never not going to absolutely adore it. Adore him.

"So, was that fun?" He asks, stripping his suit off. Embarrassed, you turn around. But you sneak glances.

"Hell yeah it was!" You cheer. "So worth skipping chem, am I right?"

Peter laughs. "Yeah. Right."

He shoves the suit into your backpack, having left his own at school. You interlock your fingers with his after he's dressed in that cute flannel he wears almost never. Together, you stroll out of the alley, as if you were a normal couple. People shoot you curious glances. Probably thought you were doing it behind a dingy dumpster. At that thought heat rises to your face, and you almost trip flat on your face. Thankfully, Peter catches you.

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