V - Lock Down

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Peter swings from building to building struggling to keep up with the assassins dressed in white. But he won't lose them. Not after what he'd seen. Thank god for the robbery on the other end of Queens. If not for that, he might not have saved you. The thought of that angers him. But more than that, scares him. Even now, just thinking about seeing you falling, the sheer fear in your eyes, it twists his stomach with worry. If anything happened to you....no. He won't think about that. That's something that just can't happen.

The figures in white move easily through the busy street. People part their way for them, without seemingly noticing what they're doing. And they're moving fast. Inhumanely fast.

"Man," Peter pants. "Who are these guys?"

A scream rings out to his left. He glances over and sees a woman getting mugged. In this moment he has to make a choice. Follow those who almost killed you or be the friendly neighborhood Spiderman. Though it was a hard decision he knows what he has to do.

Peter shoots his web onto the aunning of a nearby deli shop and swings down into the alley. He touches down right behind the mugger. He taps him on the shoulder and the attacker spins around, purse in hand.

"Hey, could you hold this?" Peter puts a string of web in his hand. "Thanks! You're a pal!"

The mugger shoots up in the air. Peter shoots a web upwards and swings around the man, wrapping him in white before dropping back to the ground, purse in hand.

"Here you go ma'am." He presents her property to her. "Have a good rest of your day!"

While she scurries off, Peter writes a note with some scratch paper he borrowed from the woman. He sticks it to the casing of spiderweb.

"Here ya go, man. Don't worry, the police will be here soon to get you out!"

Peter swings away from him onto the roof of an apartment complex. He sits on the edge scanning the streets, searching for any sign of the white clad weirdos. But there's nothing.

"Hey Karen?" Peter asks the AI in his suit. "Do you know who they were?"

"I am afraid not, Peter," Karen replies. "There are no records of them anywhere."

"Not even in the S.H.I.E.L.D database?"

"No. Sorry, Peter."

Peter sighs. No matter. He'll find them eventually. For now, he should make sure you're okay.


"Yeah, you may never get this back," you snort, glancing up at the screen. You're on a video call with Peter and Ned, their faces taking up the entirety of your TV screen in your room. It's easier this way, so you don't waste your phone battery. Plus, you can write some more on your story.

Peter laughs. "It's alright. It's not imperative I get it back right now."

"Why do you have his jacket anyway?" Ned asks.

You feel heat rise in your face again. "You must have heard what Flash did to me. I'm sure the whole school has. But yeah, my sweater was ruined so Peter let me have this."

"Flash is a jerk," Ned harrumphs, trying to make you feel better.

You laugh. "Yeah. Anyways, I won't make it to Thanksgiving dinner tonight. My uncle kinda has me on lock-down right now."

Peter's smile drops. Worry etches lines into his face. "Are you okay?"

"Uh, yeah. Why wouldn't I be?" You ask suspiciously. "Just grounded. Only school and then straight home. Which unfortunately includes break."

You're not sure why you're lying. Maybe because you don't want them to think you're crazy after telling your story. Or you don't want them to worry. Or maybe it's a small part of you that doesn't want to put them in danger. As if the white warriors wouldn't know about them already. The thought of that makes you uneasy.

"What?!" Ned exclaims. "You can't miss the dinner! It won't be as much fun without you, Y/N."

You wink. "Well I know that."

The others laugh. You chat for a while longer and suddenly you're doubled over with laughter at a noise Ned made that he profusely claims was just a sneeze. You're laughing so hard you're crying. Peter's laughter layers over yours creating a joyous harmony. You're so happy, you almost forget about the events of that night.

Just then, Tony bursts into the room, a wild look in his eyes. You immediately stop laughing and stare wide eyed at the TV screen.

"Are you okay? I heard crying!"

"Whoa hey is that-" Peter doesn't get to finish his sentence as you turn the TV off. You do not want your friends knowing you're related to Tony Stark.

"I was laughing," you huff throwing a pillow at him. "Tony I'm fine. You don't have to keep me locked up in here you know. And the bodyguards are a bit overkill, don't ya think?"

You gesture to two burly men standing in front of your door. And there are another few on the fire escape and front door.

"I just want to keep you safe!" He protests.

You ball your hands into fists. Keep the anger under control. "Safe, sure. Happy? Certainly not. You won't even let me go to dinner with my friends! I'm so bored!"

"If you go out there-"

"Anything could happen. Literally anything, anywhere, any time," You fume. "Keeping me locked up in here is like prison! You're living in fear! If you can call this living."

Tony sighs. "You'll understand someday."

"Understand this!" You grab the nearest thing on your bedside table - the hardcover version of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire and chuck it at your uncle's head. He ducks, and the book hits the wall, leaving a dent. Tony heaves another sigh and slips out of your room.

Irritation still fumes in your veins. Unable to focus anymore, you slam your computer shut and shove it under your other pillow. You retrieve the book and slam it back down on the table. After pacing for a moment, you make a decision. You will not remain trapped in here. Tony can worry about you a little more. Maybe he'll remember what it was like to be a teenager and leave you alone.

You empty out your black school backpack and shove in a change of clothing and your laptop and any other things you can find. You shrug on Peter's jacket over your t-shirt. Hoisting the pack over your shoulders, you open the window and hop out onto the fire escape. As the sun begins to set, you race across Queens.

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