II - Making Friends! And Also Enemies. Whatever.

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"Penis" catches up to you down the hall. "Sorry about Flash. He's pretty annoying, but mostly harmless."

You don't say anything, just nod. After the burning of irritation faded away, the anxiety came back. You made it through one class. But you still have five more to go. And you don't know anyone. You don't know how to know anyone. Friendships were never your area of expertise. In truth, your dad was probably your best friend. Sometimes you thought it was weird. But he was always there for you no matter what.

"So, I'm Peter," the kids introduces himself. "Y/N, right?"

You nod again.

"Nice to meet you! Where's your next class?"

You hand him your schedule. You're not sure you're going the right way. You just didn't want to be rude and part ways with him.

"Chemistry! I have that too! Do you mind if I walk you there?" He glances over at you. When you don't say anything, he speaks faster. You can tell he's getting a little nervous. "I mean if not, that's totally okay, I don't want you to feel weird or like overwhelmed by me or other people or anything-"

"Peter," you cut him off. "It's fine."

Silence falls between you. Peter hands you back your schedule. Together, you just walk in silence. You can't tell if it's awkward or comfortable. For now, you're going with awkward. Which doesn't make you feel better. But you want it to be comfortable. He seems like a sweet guy. You're not sure whether to be relieved or disappointed when you enter the classroom and he heads to his friend.

After blocking the doorway for a moment, you work up the nerve to approach the teacher. He stares at you with disinterest.

"Uh, hi." You clear your throat. "I'm new. Where should I sit?"

He gestures lazily, not looking away from his computer screen. "Anywhere. With a partner."

You turn back around and stare at the slowly filling room. Lab tables are set up instead of normal desks. Pretty much everyone has a partner already. Immediately you search for Peter, but find that he has one too. Sighing, you finally sit down next to a dark skinned girl reading a book.

Half of you expects her to greet you. But she doesn't. Just keeps reading. When the bell rings, she glances over at you. For a minute you stare at each other, neither talking. She's pretty, you think. Quiet. That's about it. The both of you turn your attention back to yourselves.

Partway through the class, the girl nudges you. Thankful for the distraction from whatever the teacher was droning on about, you turn to her. She holds up a notebook with a strangely good drawing of you with a lost look in your eyes. You tilt your head, not sure whether to be insulted or not.

"I'm Michelle," she whispers, putting the notebook down.

"Y/N," you reply.

Seemingly satisfied, she turns back to her notebook, flipping to a new page. You chuckle quietly. A tiny smile tugs at the corners of your lips. Michelle seems like exactly your type of person. Risking a glance over your shoulder, you catch Peter's eye. He smiles at you, and you smile back. His large friend waves. You smile a little bigger.

Maybe this place won't be that bad.

Lunch is a bit awkward. You stand in line to get something called popcorn chicken. In Argentina you never had anything like that. America can be so strange sometimes.

Once your tray is full of slightly appealing food, you stand in the middle of the cafeteria, alone. Searching for familiar faces is hard amongst the swarm of people. People shove by you, some annoyed, others giving you sympathetic smiles, but for the most part, not caring. Finally, you spot an empty table in the back.

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