"That is bullshit. If you said you were raped you was rape. Fuck those detective who didn't believe you, cause I believe you. Come on, we gotta find those guys who did this to you." Susanne got up and grabbed Brittany hand and took her to the crowd of party teenagers.

"Shit, I need to see this." Amy got up and followed them.

Finn arrived in a Uber and goes up to the Bonfire party to confront Nigel and Pia. Miles and Louis arrived too, but they decided to separate. 

"I'm just gonna go over to get a drink." Miles said.

"Alright." Louis said as Miles walked away and had a gun in the back of his pants.

Finn was looking for Nigel and Peter and they were standing by the ocean talking. Finn walks up to them they had a talk.

"What the fuck, guys?" Finn said.

"Finn, calm down and let me explained." Nigel said.

"Which part? The part that you slept with my girlfriend or that you kicked me out of the project?" Finn said.

"Okay, first of all your girlfriend came on to me." Nigel said.

"That's bullshit." Finn said.

"Plus, we built that fucking robot together. All you did was just help design it on a fucking a paper." Nigel said.

"What the hell are you talking about? The robot was my idea." Finn said.

"Did you really think, because you had an idea, it belongs to you? You're such an asshole, just like your father." Nigel said and Finn punched him.

The two boys get into a fight, Peter tried to stop them, but he fell on the ground. Pia came rushing into stop them.

"Guys, stop!" Pia exclaimed while trying to break them up. She backed Nigel up.

"Pia, why? After everything we've been through?" Finn said.

"You were never there. All you care about is your stupid computer program. Your father is a narcissistic. I can't be with someone who has a family like that. I'm sorry." Pia said.

"That's what it is then." Finn said as he walked away.

Back to the group, Brittany, Susanne and Amy rushed in and try to find Manny, Ryan and Kevin. 

"Hey asshole! Did you do this to her?" Susanne confront Manny.

"Did what?" Manny said as he took a sip of his drink.

"Stop playing dumb. You raped her." Susanne exclaimed.

"Raped? It wasn't like that. You wanted it." Manny said.

"That is a fucking lie. You and your boys pinned me down and raped me!" Brittany said.

"Can you keep your voice down?" Manny said.

"No she not gonna stay quiet about this!" Susanne said as the whole group started to hear the conversation. Danielle, Stefanie and Courtney saw them talking.

"Oh shit, look." Danielle pointed as the both started to walk over there including everyone else.

"You think just because you're popular, talented and rich you think you can own somebody and take advantage on them and get away with it?!" Susanna exclaimed.

"Okay, you're way out of line!" Manny said.

"Hey, what the hell's going on?" Kevin said as him and Ryan came over to the crowded confrontation. 

"You guys raped an unconscious girl." Amy said.

"She wasn't unconscious." Ryan said.

"Yeah, like that's true." Amy folded her arms.

"It's bitches like you that make us guys look like bad guys!" Manny said.

"You did this to me!" Brittany attacked Manny said as the girls and guys break them apart.

"That bitch is crazy!" Kevin said.

"You three are going to rot in hell!" Brittany said.

"I already been there." Manny said.

On the other side of the crowd, Louis saw Jordan and Scarlett having an argument. It started to get a little aggressive.

"When I tell you to come you better come!" Jordan exclaimed at Scarlett.

"I told you I couldn't make. I had to study." Scarlett said to Jordan.

"And that's more important than me?" Jordan said.

Louis slowly walked towards them while holding the gun in his back pocket. 

"When I tell you to do something you do it. If I tell you to come over you come over." Jordan said aggressively while grabbing Scarlett arm hard.

"Jordan, you are hurting me." Scarlett tries to pull away but he was too strong.

"What the fuck are you looking at, freak?" Jordan said.

Louis pulls the gun out on his face as Scarlett went behind Jordan.

"Oh, you got a gap now, huh? What you gonna do pull the trigger. Big man, huh? Do it if you got the guts." Jordan said as Louis continues holding the gun on Jordan face.

Miles see Louis having Jordan at gunpoint, so he tries to run over to him and stop him.

"Oh shit, Louis!" Miles rushes to him.

"Please, don't." a scared Scarlett said while hiding behind Jordan.

"Louis!" Miles continues running.

Jordan grabs the gun and block it away as the gun went off and people were screaming and running.

"Ahh!! He got a gun!" a girl screamed as people continue to scattered away.

"Oh shit. Come on, we have to go." Susanne grabs Brittany and Amy as they rush away from the beach.

"Miles, put that thing away! Put that shit away!" Miles exclaimed as they took off running and Louis put the gun in his back pocket.

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