"But that make me the black goat. To able to do that. Taehyung had to hate me too."

"The same day she died. I was there as her assigned doctor. A few hours before she passed away, she asked me for help again. She made me promise to help her so tae can move on. And i agreed because she is my little brother dearest girlfriend. "

"I know what makes her happy makes him happy in the end. And that's all for tae too. As a big brother, Neither can i, want to see him burried in his sadness of losing someone he dearly cherished."

"From that day until now, taehyung hate me and will always be. He lock his heart in a cage and give no one to come inside."

"But even all that shit. Believe me. Never once , my love for you ever fade away. After two years of feeling empty. I need someone, and that person is you. I want to go to you. To know you. To talk to you because you are the source of my happiness.  but I'm a coward. That's why all the pranks been planned. I want to be alone with you and spending the time with you alone  but i guess.." he chuckles while rubbing the back of his neck.

" The prank goes too far and all.. but atleast now you know me. Tadaaa.." he smile then sighing afterwards.

"My feeling for you is real. Never once i-i... I didn't plan it to be like this. I'm so sorry.. i..." He whimpers in between the words. Trying his hest to hold his sobs.

Y/n hug jin closer and forcefully burried jin head on her shoulders.

"You've been through a lot jin" y/n pat jin's back only to brough a vibrate from within jin

"Cry jin. You can go ahead and cry. It won't change the way i look at you. You're still the jin i know" y/n said with a surprisingly reassuring voice.

Jin felt all the burden he held on his shoulder break away as he bawl his tears out while burrying his face on your shoulder and hugging your waist tighter like he don't want to let you go forever.


Y/n and jin been sitting on the rooftop bench. Watching the dark sky without the stars. But in return, colourful city lights glimmers and shining made them drawn to the scenery.

Jin tears already ceased and he find comfort on y/n shoulder. intertwining hands with each other as they never want to let go.


"Um?" She hummed

"You're not angry at me again right?"




"We are okay now right?"




"We... What are we?"

"Um? We're Human. What else?" Seokjin head abruptly turn to look at y/n with a pout on his lips

"No. I mean what is our relationship now?" He fidgetting his fingers

"W-what do you want it to be?" Y/n become flustered as she saw jin eyes is searching for hers

"I want it to be special" he grinned

"Okay. I'll up you to be my bestfriend"

"Hey! I want more!"

"Hell no. Even jisoo get the title of my bestest friend"

"I deserve more. I want to be more than friend y/n"

"Don't ge greedy. It will got you in the end" y/n let go of their connected hands. Rolling her eyes.

"I don't mind if you're the one eating me" he smirk making her blush  dark shade of red.

" Pervert" she punch his chest as turning her head away from jin

"For you and always be you" Jin turned y/n head toward him whilst nuzzle his nose to y/n's. y/n swear there's a steam out from her ears and head.

Jin let out chuckles and a soothing gaze toward y/n

"You're so cute when you shy. Why didn't i realise early?"

"Shut up jerk face"

"This jerk is your boyfriend" he whispered in y/n red ears

"Since when?" Y/n jolt away only to be pulled in jin warmth hug again.

"Since you said that to my dad" he smiles. Burrying his head on y/n neck.

"Oh god" y/n face Palm her face. But she let out a happy smiles after.

They were drawn to each other as they didn't realise the time. Jin scoot y/n closer so he can wrap y/n in his arms. Y/n didn't bother to push jin as she started to love the warmth of jin. She rest her head on jin shoulder

"Hey jin?"


"You Don't want to tell taehyung about the truth?." You look at his eyes

" I don't know.." he sighed. You bring his face to look at you as you cup his face and stare at him. Finding his beautiful orbs.

"He should know jin. He already lost the girl he love. I don't want him to lose you too. I think it might be too much for him. Promise me you will talk to him"

"I talk to him when the right time comes. I promise" he grasp your hand that rest on his cheeks

"Remember i will always with you and support you from now on" he let out a sweet smile as nuzzle his face more on your palm like a kitten wanting some warmth.

"I'm so lucky to get you"

"No. I'm luckier to have someone loving me than i ever love myself jin"

"It's okay. I'll give you all my love and feeling everday from now on. "

"Why?" Jin pull y/n face closer to him. Lips inches a part. Waiting to molded in one.

"Because I'm a boy with love"

BOY WITH LUV KSJ ✔️Where stories live. Discover now