"Music or Sports?"


"You're interested in music? We prefer sports." Lucas replied on behalf of everyone else.

"Yeah, I love music." I smiled.

"What's your height?" 

"I'm 5'4."

"5'5" Shelby said.

"I'm not gonna tell." Lucas huffed, while rolling his eyes.

"Come on, Lucas, don't be shy." Shelby smirked.

"5'3." He sighed.

"You guys know mine." Cameron smirked. "5'9." 

"What's your favorite color?"

"Blue!" I replied.

"Red." Lucas.

"I like Indigo." Shelby.

"What do you like to do in your spare time?" 

"Watch TV." I whispered. That's what I mostly do since I've started to live here.

"I play video games." Lucas yelled.

"I play video games too or sometimes, skateboarding." Shelby said.

"Photography." Cameron said laughing.

"What sports do you play?"

"Um, I've never played sports, but I want to learn how to play basketball."

"Basketball." Lucas.

"Soccer." Shelby.

"Soccer and Basketball." Cameron.

We went on playing the game when they asked me an unexpected question.

"How was Georgia? Do you like it there?"

"No." I simply said, causing them all to gape.

"Eh, Connor if you don't mind, can I ask you a question?" I hesitantly nodded at Cameron. "How do you have scars on your arm?" He asked. "Like it was burned or something?"

Lucas and Shelby looked in my direction. I gulped. My eyes widened at the question. Panic began to rise in me.

"Can I have a look?" Lucas asked, to which I quickly shook my head.

How does he know about my arm? He could have seen it anywhere, stupid me for not being careful.

"Hey, you can tell us anything if you want. I mean, we won't judge and you can trust us. Maybe we could help you." Lucas said, sounding concerned about it.

"Don't get me wrong, but how can I trust you?" They looked taken back by my question.

The most important people in my life, betrayed and abused my trust.

My Dad left, with my brother, who lied about visiting me. My grandma and Evan even left. And my mum, well she abused my trust the most.

"I'm not very good at explaining things, so this isn't easy, but we just want to help you." He genuinely said.

"I swear, we don't have any bad intentions." Shelby added.

I bit my lip, thinking if I should tell them or not. Their intentions don't seem bad and I have really begun to consider them as my friends but I need a little time to trust them.

"I'll tell you when the time comes." I forced a smile.


"What do you wanna order?" Lucas asked.

"I don't know." I shrugged.

"You'll eat something tasty today." Cameron said. 

"Can I help you?" The worker asked from behind the counter.

"Chicken sandwich for me. Hamburger and French fries for the shortest one." Cameron pointed to Lucas. "Apple pie and Sprite for the girl and Snack wrap for him." He pointed to me and women tapped it into the computer, before she walked away. 

"What's a Snack wrap? I've never had one before. What does it taste like?" I asked.

"It's so tasty. You'll like it." Shelby answered.

Our orders came and we began to eat.

"Mm. It's tasty." I said between mouthfuls. 

"Told ya." Shelby smirked my way. 

I laughed and we all talked a little bit before we walked out after paying for our food. I only brought $20 which Jaxon gave me yesterday.

"You guys live at the same place?" I asked.

"Yeah, just a few blocks away from each other's house." Lucas replied. 

"Cameron, can you call the number that I've called you earlier?" I asked. 

A moment later, he handed me his phone. "Here." 

"Got bored with hanging out with your friends?" A teasing voice originated from the phone.

"Yeah, I've got bored." I chuckled sarcastically. "Well, you told me to call you when I get free. Would you come to pick me up but it's okay, if you're busy, I can walk home." 

"Stop being so nervous all the time, Connor." 

"I don't wanna disturb you." I mumbled. I heard him sighed in the background. 

"I'll be there in 5." And he hung up. 

I handed the phone to Cameron with thanks

"Let's see, who'll reach fast home?" 

I turned around to see Shelby standing, a skateboard holding in her hand and shooting a challenging look towards Lucas. 

"Why not?" Lucas smirked back at her. 

They both picked up their skateboard and went on a race. 

"See you tomorrow." Cameron yelled at me before he drove off his motorbike. 

I let out a sigh and stood there for around 10 minutes when Elliot showed up in his car. 

He used to change vehicles all day. He dropped me here with a motorbike and came to pick me up in his car. 

I walked forward and opened the door of a car and climbed into the backseat. 

"Sorry about the delay, lil bro. There's usually a lot of traffic during this time of day." He told me. 

"It's okay." 

"Everything's okay with you, huh?" His eyebrows scrunched up; scepticism lacing in his voice. I gave him a quiet shrug. 

"Wanna hit up a Video Arcade?" 

"Where can you play video games?" My eyes lit up with happiness. 

"Yeah." He chuckled. 

My smile faltered when the thought crushed my mind. "Jaxon wouldn't like, if I stayed out late. He told me to be back by 6." 

"Dad wouldn't say anything when you're going with me." 

With that, we drove off to an Arcade. 

There you go with another update! I hope you liked the chapter!

It might not be a lot interesting but I wanted to do a chapter that involves friendship because it is one of the important things in the story that describe the life of Connor.

Q: What kinda friend are you?

Connor: A reticent and a taciturn friend.

Shelby: A sassy friend.

Cameron: A protective friend.

Lucas: A happy-go-lucky friend.


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