Chap 8

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*Adam POV*

I woke up in a hospital bed, I see George, Clay, and Vincent standing before me. George threw himself on me hugging me.

George: Adam! You're okay. (He says happily) Why did you have to do that?

Adam: I had to, I wasn't going to let him get away with that.

George: Don't do stuff like that. You could've died, and I wouldn't be able to live myself. Please just don't do something like that anymore. Promise me.

Adam: Okay, I promise. (Hugged his brother)

Vincent(walked over): Adam?

Adam(smiles): Hi there Vinny.

Vincent(tearing up): Don't do nothing stupid like that again. I was worried sick. (He hugged Adam and kissed him)

Adam: I'm sorry, that I worried you guys. But, what happened to Tyler?

George: He got arrested already, he will be in Jail for a long time.

Adam: Good, I hope that bastard drops the soap.

(George's Mom walks in)

GM(runs over to Adam): Oh my babies, why are bad things happening to you two?

Adam: I'm fine Mum don't worry about me. Just worry about George, I'm promise you I'm fine.

GM: What were you thinking getting into a fight? I was so scared.

Adam(feels bad): I know, I didn't realize I was going to make alot of people worry. I'm sorry.

GM: Its okay, right now you need to get better.

Adam(looks over at Vincen): Mum, I also want to tell you something. You know my friend Vincent right?

Vincent: (silently waves)

Adam: Well, he's my boyfriend. We've been dating for about a year already.

GM(smiles): Oh honey, I always knew that, and I of course support you.

Adam(confused): Thanks, but how did you know?

GM: I've seen you two kissed a few times. I would see you two while I'm outside sometimes.

Adam(embarrassed): Aww geez.

Vincent: Well, now we don't have to hide from you Mom anymore.

GM: Vincent, I hope you're taking good care of him. He is very reckless sometimes (she smiled at him)

Vincent: Y-yes of course.

GM: Good, (looks over at George) now George about your friend.

George(face red): No, Mum, please not now. (He looked away from Clay)

GM: (giggled a bit) Okay, I wont embarrass you.

Clay: You okay George? You're all red.

George: Yes yes, I'm fine. Oh I also need to call D.Benson.

George called her and told her that Adam woke up, When she arrived she asked Adam some questions. She told us that everything is fine, Dave will be jail for a long. She left and told us she'll call us if a trial will happen. After a while a nurse came in and said that Adam will need some rest and we can see him tomorrow.

*Timeskip to George's house*

*George POV*

We were heading home, Vincent went to his house and Clay walked with me and my Mom to my house.

George: Hey Clay, can you stay the night again? I- I don't want to sleep alone tonight. (He says shyly.)

Clay(smiled): Of course George, I'll stay whenever you want.

My Mum went to sleep, me and Clay stood up, we played some games almost all night. I would always remember what happened then I would just start crying at random moments, but Clay didnt mind. He would always hug me and tell me everything is okay. I really love Clay, and I don't doubt I have feeling for him. He's just like Nate, but way better, but I can't confess to him, its going to ruin our friendship and everything will repeat itself. It got pretty late so we both layed in bed, he turned over to look at me and started talking.

Clay: Are you feeling a bit better George?

George: Yeah, a little bit. It just still bothers me.

Clay wraps his arm around George, and their faces were just inches apart, they both blushed at the fact their faces were so close together. They just stared into each others eyes, then Clay spoke.

Clay: I promise you that I'll be there for you George. I still can't help but feel that this as all my fault. I shouldn't have forced you to go out on your birthday. I'm really sorry George.

George: I told you already, it's not your fault at all, I know that you were trying to do something nice for me, and I'm really happy about that. No one has done stuff like that for me not even Nate.

Clay(tilts head): Who's Nate?

George(looked away, feeling embarrassed): H- He -

Clay: You don't have to tell me if you don't want to.

George: No it's fine, I can tell you. He was my former bestfriend.

Clay: What happened?

George: Well, me and Nate were pretty much bestfriends since freshman year, we would always hang out, he'd always worry about me. But then, I told him that I was gay, and then after that he just hated me, he was the who exposed me to the School at the beginning of the year.

I lied a bit, I actually had feelings for Nate and because of that he got reallly upset and that's what made him expose me. I fell in love with him for a long time then he goes and does this. It really hurt, and I don't want the same thing with to happen, I need to get over my crush on Clay.

Clay(rubbing George's back): Oh no, I'm sorry that happened. So you're bestfriend was the one who did that to you. I- I can't believe it. What happened to him now?

George: He's still in school, he just always avoids me, he requested for us to have different classes and lunch periods. Someone I thought I could trust with my secret hated me from it and made my life worst. (He teared up)

Clay: I'm sorry that happened George. I want you to know, I'm here for you, and I'll protect you from anyone who would try to hurt you in any way. I lo- (couldn't say it yet) care alot about you George.

George(tearing up at his nice words, and hugs him): I hope nothing will ruin our friendship Clay.

Clay: Don't worry, I doubt anything will.

George(started to gained some confidence): Clay I kinda want to tell you something.

Clay: Hm? What is it George?

George: I.. I... Nevermind. (He lost it)

Clay(getting worried): Is everything okay?

George(nervous): Y-yeah, I just wanted to say that I really appreciate all you've done for me. (He smiled)

Clay: No need to thank me. (He hugged him)

They stayed in a hug silent for a good few minutes. They eventually start getting sleepy.

Clay: Come on, let's start heading off to sleep, Goodnight George.

George: Goodnight Clay.

They soon fall asleep, Clay would put his arm around George or hold his hand whenver he heard him crying throughout the night. He swore he wont let anything bad happen to George.


Hope you enjoyed this Chapter :D

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