Notice me... please

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Harry Potter was famous, The Boy Who Lived, The Chosen One, he defeated Voldemort, he had people noticing him left, right and center correct? Wrong?

People saw the Boy Who Lived, the persona the Prophet portrayed him as, the boy the Prophecies described, everyone's own little fantasy of their savior. 

No one saw Harry.  Just Harry. 

Not even his best friends Ron Weasley or Hermione Granger.  Not even his girlfriend for fucks sake.  The Golden Trio stayed together for fame, at least two thirds of it did.  If Harry could he would leave the Wizarding World behind, go back to the Muggle world and get rid of the notoriety, but his conscience would not let him leave all these desperate people behind. 

His friends can be helpful in fighting Voldemort and passing classes, Ron has a lot of combat knowledge, and is very good with coming up with strategy in a pinch, Hermione is incredibly smart, and can find, brew, or perfect, any spell, potion, or incantation the Trio could possibly need for a mission. 

Then there's Ginny.  Oh Ginny.  Harry hates Ginny, but he can't get rid of her.  He tried to dump her but she convinced him he better off with her, she was his better half, and that he wouldn't find someone else, the Savior would be so pitifully alone. 

Ginny is undoubtedly, with him for the fame and money, she talks endlessly about how their future together.  Giving interviews to Witch Weekly and the Daily Prophet, attending balls and galas..  How their going to live in a Manor by the beach with their 3 kids, James, Molly, and Genevieve.   James, for Harry's dad, he appreciates the sentiment, but he knows it's just to give off an image that she cares. 

She doesn't. 

Molly for Ginny's mom, because in Ginny's words "if we're going to name one of our kids after one of your parents, we have to name one after one of my parents." 

And Genevieve, because it sounds similar to Ginny's full name Ginevra, but nicer. 

Self-centered bitch. 

Harry over the past 6 months has tried a lot of different things to get people to see him, really see him.  He's worked harder in school, hoping teachers will notice higher academic achievement. 

Snape has just given him detention because he thought he was cheating.  No one noticed him then.  He's joined the dueling club, hoping that if he learned more dueling spells, people would  notice his skill, his knowledge, something other then the scar on his forehead.

Nothing worked, and slowly Harry started to notice things.  His friends didn't listen to him when he spoke, unless it was about them.  Sure his friends acted like they listened to him.  He got small, "that's great Harry," and "sounds good." But as time went on these answers got shorter and more absent.  Small nods, shrugs, he knew they weren't listening, Ron said "that's awesome Harry!" When he was talking about his dead parents.

Great friend he is.

Harry had had enough.  People were going to pay attention to him if it killed him.

The next Hogsmeade weekend, Harry went into the village and got his hair dyed bright Slytherin green.

As a Gryffindor that was the biggest 'fuck you' towards his house that Harry could make.

"Hey Ron, Hermione." He said sitting down.  All he got in response was mumbled hello's, Ron was too busy stuffing his face and talking to Dean about the likelihood of the Chudley Cannons making the quidditch world cup this year.  Hermione was bent over a massive book, talking animatedly about it to an enraptured Second year.

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