"What did I ever do to you?!" Miles exclaimed.

"We can give you two reasons: 1. Your old man sentence my brother to life, for something he didn't do." Mark said.

"And 2. We really don't like negroids. It's Trump America, bitch!" Jordan said as the rest of the jocks walked out of the bathroom.

"Miles, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I couldn't stop them." Louis winced as he slowly gets up and help Miles up.

After school, Finn walks out of the school as soon as Nigel and Peter catch up to him.

"Hey, Finn. Check this out. Raymond cousin is holding an after party at his house and we're all invited." Nigel said.

"You don't for it?" Peter said.

"I don't know, man. I gotta to study tonight." Finn said.

"Aww, come on. It will be fun, even Pia's going." Nigel said.

"Okay, I'll stop by there for a little bit." Finn said.

"Hell yeah!" Peter said.

Amy took a bus to Venice Beach and three businessman where taunt her.

"Hey, hey, sweetheart. My friend wants to know if you're a freak in sheets." one of the businessmen said as they all laughed.

Amy put on her AirPods in and turns up her music ignored the immature men.

At night, Finn, Pia, Nigel, and Peter were watching the game and Brittany was cheerleading. Finn caught his eyes on Brittany. Their school team won the game and they were all heading to the party. Susanne was out her house waiting for Finn to come over for tutoring, but Finn decided to go to the party instead. Amy went to the beach and tries to make a ritual to make contact with her brother, Theo. At the party, Finn see's Brittany and they chatted a little.

"Hey, good cheer out there." Finn said to Brittany.

"Thanks. Were you watching the game to support the fellas or you trying to enjoy our show?" Brittany chuckled.

"A little bit of both." Finn chuckled.

"So, where's your Queen B, at?" Brittany asked.

"Just talking to some friends, I guess." Finn said.

"Speaking of friends. I gotta go find mine. I hope you enjoy the party." Brittany said as she walk to find her friends.

"You too." Finn said as he took a sip of her drink.

While Brittany was talking to Danielle, Stefani and Courtney, she sat her drank down for a few minutes and some roofied her drink. She took a sip of her drink and her friends started to leave her. The drug was starting to kick in and Manny, Ryan and Kevin, a receiver came up to her seeing how drugged she was.

"Hey, Alaric, you don't look so good." Manny said as he grab her shoulders.

"Yeah, I think you need to sleep it off." Kevin said as Brittany vision got all dizzy and her vocabulary started to slur.

"Come on, let's take her upstairs." Manny said as Kevin and Ryan took a drunk Brittany upstairs to a room. Danielle and Stefani even watch them taking her.

"Hey, guys. Where's Brittany?" Courtney asked.

"She went upstair with some guy." Danielle said.

"Yeah, she gonna give him a blowjob." Stefani said as she and Danielle laughed, but Courtney didn't laughed.

The football players took an unconscious Brittany to a bedroom and lay her in bed.

"Lock the door, man." Ryan asked Kevin.

Manny got on top of the unconscious Brittany and start touching her slowly and groped her breast. He start pulling off his pants and took off her panties. Brittany vision starts to come clearly as she saw Manny on top of her.

"Hey. What are you doing?" Brittany said.

"Shhh. Just relax and enjoy it." Manny said as he groped her breast again.

Downstairs, Finn was looking for Pia, he asked if anyone seen her. Back upstairs, Manny starts thrusting on Brittany and she was started to cry.

"No, stop. Please stop." Brittany winced.

"Shh Shut up you whore." Manny continues to thrust.

"No! Stop! Stop! Get off of me!" Brittany started to screamed but Ryan and Kevin tries to hold her down and cover her mouth to be quiet.

"Shut the fuck up!" Ryan exclaimed.

Brittany tried to struggled out, but the boys were too strong and Manny's weight was too heavy that she couldn't move. Meanwhile, Finn looked around the house to see if she could find Pia, but when he look in the laundry room, he saw Pia and Nigel having sex on top of the dryer.

"What the fuck?" Finn said.

"Finn, it's not what it looks like." Nigel said.

"I know what exactly what it looks like." Finn said as he walked out and Peter tries to stop.

"Hey, Finn where are you going? Peter said.

"Did you know about Nigel and Pia?" Finn asked.

"Oh, shit." Peter said.

"So, you knew, huh? All this time, I thought you guys were my friends, but I chose wrong." Finn starts walking out of the house and went in his car and drove off.

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