Broadway, Here I Come!

Start from the beginning

The ground. I'm coming, love.

I'm focused on the prize

Falling again. But I never stopped, did I? It felt like it.

I'm fallin', baby

Hi, Mom. It's been a while. I miss you. I don't remember you much.

Through the sky, through the sky

I know I'll see you- meet you- again.

I'm fallin', baby through the sky

Soon. I remember your smile, Mom.

It's my callin', baby

Don't cry. Mom? Why are you going?

Don't you cry, don't you cry

Don't worry, Mom. I'll come with you.

'Cause I'm fallin' down through the sky

And it's a tune you can hum

Music is beautiful. 

Oh, Broadway here I come

Inspiring, even. 


I feel whole. Same. 

Will I remain the same

Will I change?

Or will I change a little bit?

Do I feel complete now?

Will I feel broken or totally complete?

I can't remember. What's my name?

Will I retain my name when I'm the biggest, hugest hit?

I'm scared. That doesn't make sense.

Or will I blend in with the rest of the street

Heroes don't get scared. 

I'm used to people calling my name. Pointing.

The people all are pointing

This is different. 

I bet they'd never guess

Someone once told me I was perfect. Is anyone perfect, though?

That the saint that they're anointing

It's a nice thought. But, I guess they'll never know I was the most fearful of them all.

Is frightened of the mess

But fear is just another bad feeling, right? One keeping me from going home?

But even though I fear it

I look around once again. 

I'm playin' all my cards...

 I let out a low cry- fear or hope, I'll never know.

Baby, you are gonna hear it

I hope I'm not wrong.

When I give them my regards

I can't be wrong. 

This is my calling.

I'm fallin' baby

Hi, Dad. It's been too long. I miss you. I don't remember a lot about you.

Through the sky, through the sky

I hope- know- I'll see you soon.

Now I'm fallin', baby through the sky

In a moment. I remember your eyes. Big, happy brown eyes.

It's my callin', baby

Please stop crying. Dad? Where'd you go?

Don't you cry, don't you cry

Don't fret, Dad. I'm almost there.

And I'm fallin' down through the sky

I'll see you soon, Dad. Mom. Uncle Ben. Gwen. 

And I refuse to go numb


Oh, Broadway here I come

I hear my name.

Broadway, here I come

Who is saying it?

Broadway, here I come


Oh, Broadway, Broadway, here I come


Here I come!

Uncle Ben?

And the last thing I hear

The ground is closer now.

As the impact grows near

I hear something. A scream? A cheer?

Is it a scream or a cheer?

I guess I'll never know. Not that it matters, anyways. I'll never find out.

Well, never mind, I'll never find out

'Cause, home, I am here.

'Cause Broadway I am here

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