You: I hope so.

You can hear people talking not too far away from you. They're probably on watch.

Clem: Have any more dreams?

You: What?

Clem: You were having dreams before, you know...

You: Oh, no... Well yeah, after I lost my arm, but other than that I only had a handful of them while I was with the Olympians.

Clem: Good.

You: I almost crazy in there. After they told me you were dead, and Charlie was a traitor.

Clem: What?

You: Di- did you not know?

Clem: Charlie was a traitor?

You: Yeah, he was a mole.

Clem: That fucker. Did you kill him?

You: No, Deimos did my first day there.

Clem: That makes no sense.

You: Deimos is the personification of fear. He was trying to scare me.

Clem: He should've been scared of you.

You: He should have been scared of Athena; she killed him.

Clem: Oh.

You see her tied up away from you.

You: We gonna talk about her?

Clem: What's there to talk about? She's a snake.

You: She made a mistake.

Clem: That didn't seem like a mistake to me.

You: She risked her life to safe me.

Clem: So what?

You: She's like a sister to me. Sure, she's a bit rude and annoying sometimes, but it's a defense mechanism, I guess. She was captured by them and forced to fight for them. I don't really know how long, but it was while. They were in her head. She didn't know if she could trust me enough to escape.

Clem: You wouldn't have lost your arm if she had just helped you at the factory.

You: I know.

Clem: So why trust her?

You: She's had my back a lot over the past five months.

Clem: Y/N, you don't... You know... Have some sort of feelings for her?

You: No. Were you not listening to me earlier? She's like a sister to me.

Clem: Ok, I was just worried.

You: I can go talk to her right? I'm sure she's worried.

Clem: If you have to.

You: You can come if you want.

Clem: No, I'm good. I'll just watch from a distance.

You: Be right back.

You give her a peck on the cheek and get up, walking over to Athena. You get to her an see she's slumped over asleep.

You: Hey.

You bump her with your foot, and she jolts awake.

Athena: Can't you let me sleep?

You: I just wanted to check on you.

She looks up at you.

Athena: Y/N? I knew you'd make it.

You: Yeah. Thanks to you.

Athena: When are they going to untie me?

You: I don't know. I'm working on it.

Athena: So, you're reunited with your girlfriend.

You: Yeah.

Athena: I'm happy for ya.

You: Yeah, it's great.

You look over at Clementine to see her staring at you.

You: So, what do I call you now?

Athena: What do you mean?

You: Athena isn't your name is it. I recall you starting to say another name when I met you.

Athena: Just call me Athena.

You: No. Your name.

She hesitates for a moment.

Athena: Brooklyn.

You: Brooklyn. I'm gonna go back to Clem, let you sleep some more.

Brooklyn: I'm glad you're ok.

You: I know.

You walk back over to Clementine and sit down again.

Clem: So, what did you talk about?

You: Just small talk, and I found out her real name.

Clem: What is it.

You: Brooklyn. Sounds a lot less threatening.

Clem: Yeah it does.

You grab Clementine's hand and wrap your fingers in between hers. She doesn't hesitate and grasps your hand.

You: Are there any plans to move?

Clem: In a few days, I think.

You: We should move a little earlier.

Clem: Why?

You: Still a lot of people looking for me and Brooklyn. That's going to take some getting used to saying.

Clem: I'll talk with Javier.

You: Is he, angry with me?

Clem: He'll get over it.

You: How did they take Gabe dying?

Clem: Pretty well, considering. They had a lot to worry about other than that.

You: Yeah.

You rub your thumb on her hand.

Clem: Any more cool scars?

You: A missing arm.

Clem: You're taking it really well to be honest.

You: I'm trying.

Clem: Any other ones?

You: From the torture yeah. They did a lot to me.

Clem: I'm not going to make you relive that.

You look down at your interlocked hands and then up at her face. She's staring at the faint fire. Her bright, hazel eyes reflecting the light.

You: Hey Clem.

Clem: Yeah.

She looks at you.

You: Thank you.

Clem: For what?

You: You've fixed me. Given me a reason to keep going.

She smiles at you, and then leans in to kiss you. You can hear Brooklyn yelling in the distance.

Brooklyn: AWW, THAT'S SO CUTE!

TWD: Dynamic (Clementine X Male Reader Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now