Chapter 17: Farewell

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I woke up early, too early. The clock In Allion's living room read 4:00 In the morning, I couldn't get back to sleep, even when I tried counting sheep's. I looked at Allison sleeping peaceful on the couch with the blanket covered over her, I got off the couch and walked slowly to the kitchen as well as trying not to wake her up. I opened the cupboard and took a glass and filled It under the cold tap, I took small sips of the water and tipped the rest down the sink and looked Into the fridge for something to eat. I looked closely Inside the fridge and moved some foods to the other side and found a strawberry yogurt,closing the fridge and sitting down on the Island bench and staring at my yogurt.

I pulled out my phone from my pocket and locked at my contact's, I wanted to ring Jake, to talk to him which would make me feel better, but he would be fast asleep. I went though all my notifications on my phone as well as updating the apps and settings, by the time that was finished so was my yogurt. I hopped of my sit and walked slowly to the bin and sat back down on the couch, Allison was still asleep like a baby when the first time I left. I reached over for the remote control on the table and turned the volume off and switched It to subtitles, because I was nice and wouldn't disturb someone's sleep.

I flicked though the channels and there was absolutely nothing planning, not even a decent movie to watch, beside home tv shopping. Who watch's this sort off crap? home shopping really? are people lazy to walk to the shop's?. I turned onto another channel and found the early morning news playing, early? more like too early. I watched the news for 10 minutes, until their was that moment I gave up and couldn't watch this boring news. Turned off the t.v and decided to take a shower and hopefully by that time, Allison would be up.

I walked quietly up the stairs trying not to make noise, that was Impossible. Every step I took the noise was getting worse, at one point I froze for a second then walked quickly up the stairs and closet the bathroom door softly shut. I took off my pjs and placed them neatly on the bench and turned on the warm running water In the shower.

Once the water was ready I closed the door shut and placed my body and the warm body, as well as applying shampoo on my wet hair. I used my finger tips to run the shampoo though the ends of my hair as well as my head. I reached over for the soap and rubbed It In between my hands and washed the rest of my body as well as rising my body off. I stepped out of the shower and felt the cold air hit my skin and my spine left a shiver, I wrapped the towel around my body and opened the door slowly to walk over to Allison's bedroom to find something to wear for know.

As I walked Inside her bedroom, she had dumped her clothes from last night on the floor and her shoes on the bed. I walked Inside her closet and found a pair and leggings and a jumper to pull over me as well as clean undies and a skin colour bra. I walked Into her bathroom and brushed my hair though to take out the knots, I whipped my head with the down and plaited my hair on the side. As I jogged down the stairs the time read 6:00am, I walked over to the couch folded over my blanket and grabbed my phone and headed for the door. Outside I tied up my runners and decide to go for a walk to clean my mind from everything.

I plugged the earphone In my phone and placed them Inside my ear, I started heading down out of Allion's street heading down the road near the school. I walked at my own pace as well as a light job to help me getting their quicker. I looked though my texts and Jake recently called me. I clicked on this name and gave him a call.

"Hey, why are you calling me?". A heard a light noise from the other side off the phone and then heard him.

"Sorry, I thought maybe you are up? I can't sleep". I laughed a bit and spoke.

"No It's ok, I can't sleep either". I stopped at the traffic light and waitied for the light to turn green.

"I guess you are anxious?". I ran as the light turned to the footpath.

"I guess so". I said.

"I will pick you and Allison up at 8:00am, cause the funeral starts at 9:00am". I walked passed the school and took a short cut back to Allison's house.

"Sure, thanks". I walked past couple of shops and realized that I would be at Allison's house In few minutes.

"I will see you then". He told me.

"Bye". I ended the call as I made It to Allions's front door. As I opened the door and has taken off my shoes Allison was waking up.

"Good morning sleep head". I walked towards her as she got up.

"You went for a walk?". She asked me as she slowly walked up the stairs.

"Yes, Jake called and said her would be here In half an hour". She stopped and looked at me.

"Shit I have to get ready". I laughed as she closed the bathroom door shut. I walked up her bedroom and looked Inside her closet for smoothing nice. I find a knee length black dress was a white jacket, I tried It on and looked nice. I brushed my hair and pulled It Into a high bun and well as adding a bit off make up and lipstick. I slipped on black heels and bragged one of Allison's white purses and placed my phone Inside. As I opened the door to head outside Allison come down the stairs In a navy dress with a black jacket.

"All ready?". I smiled as I heard Jake's car open.

"Hello girls, we have to go". We walked to his car and sat Inside and drove to the funeral.


When we arrived I greeted may people as well as Jacob and my grandma who come with us.

"This way Kelly". We followed my grandma to where the ceremony was being held and took our sits.

We listened to a man standing on a mini stage with a microphone talking, he was dressed In a suit with a clean shave and cut.

"We all gather her today to remember a wonder person that took part In other life's. She was either a mother, aunt, co-worker or friend to each off us." I wanted to cry, but I couldn't. The upset Inside off me wanted to scream but I couldn't not like this.

"She was a person that raised two beautiful children and taught them everything they needed to know about life". I could feel Jake's hand holding my tightly as my heart sank In my chest.

"We would like Kelly Smith, a to come up and some few words about her mother". I looked at Jake and he nodded his head, he guided me to the stage and stood looking out to all the people crying and starting at me.

"First of all like to thank you for coming, and to stand here and talk about such a amazing person Is everything to me. She bought happiness to everyone's life, no matter what time day or month It was. She would always put others first before her self and tell me that life Is too short and living Is the key to happy life. She never told me how she really felt when she found out who really killed my father? I guess that's for me to find out. I thank her for being mine and Jacob's mother and for never giving up and believing that one day, I would having an amazing family. I look up and see her with me, no matter where I am. Some day I will see her again for now, I say goodbye and thank you. And that my revenge will always be successful In life". I walked off the stage crying In Jake's shoulders I looked over and saw the coffin placed near the far end. I couldn't do It, the only Image I wont of her Is to be alive.

Jake walked me over to my sit and my grandma hugged me as well as Allison and letting my know that you are always loved no matter what. I couldn't at the funeral much longer, If I didn't I would die my self, I decide to to visit my grandma and she was making lunch that afternoon.


She prepared lovely food and we all sat around the table with Jacob on my lap.

"I am sorry I had to leave early at the funeral, I just couldn't". She ate her food and looked at me.

"Don't be silly Kelly, It's not easy my love". For the rest of the day we didn't talk much we finished eating and helped her washed the dishes. Jake had to leave and Allison, I thanked them for today and told them I would be at school tomorrow.

I sat on the couch watching t.v with Jacob and well as having a memory of my mother the last night I saw her alive.

Revenge Will Be Back! (EDITING)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن