Chapter 15: Four Fear's

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"Can you just please pick one?". I was sitting on the couch as Allison was standing In front of the TV holding 2 different movies In her hands. The first movie was Toy Story, Allison used to come to my house after school when we where both small and play the movie like 10 times In a row. The second chose was Divergent, everyone at school has been talking about how amazing It was.

"Divergent Is fine". She smiled and opened the DVD player and pressed play. Walking over to the kitchen she was carrying 5 things at once, as the food was falling out off her hands, I made my self hop off from the couch and help her.

"Who Is going to eat all this"? She placed the chocolate, strawberries, doughnuts , chips, drinks and of course the popcorn all on the table.

"Us of course". She laughed under her breath and we both settled back on the leather couch's, with the popcorn sitting between us and the other hand holding our drinks. The movie still hadn't started yet. Allison grabbed a hold of the remote from the side table and pressed the play button until the screen turned black.

"Good one". She walked slowly to the back of the TV and held up a black cord that connect to the DVD player and never was plugged In.

"No wonder It wasn't working". She told me.

"Look Kelly It's starting". She pointed to the screen as If a small kid had just seen Santa.

"I can see". She looked at me with one eyebrow higher then the other. I let out a smirk and she elbowed me.

"Stop It". She grabbed a pillow and I dunked before she could hit my face with It. I jumped off the couch and she ran after me with the pillow still In her hand.

"Come back here you pussy". I stopped at the island bench with Allison on the opposite side from me. As I took a step to the right she would as well.

"Come on Kelly I give up, I can't anymore". I eyed her down the bench and she laughed and tried to act all serious.

"Fine then promise?". She walked towards me as I took small steps back.

"Promise". She said

"Promise". I said

Both off us walked to the couch opposite each other and with the popcorn In between us. Allison pressed rewind on the DVD player as we had already missed 15 minutes of the movie. She offered me strawberries to dip In the smooth creamy chocolate, I took a fine bit and then It was a match made In heaven, like how It always Is.

Both of us sat In silence for the entire movie with a bit of tries and laughter. We covered our selves with blankets as the night was getting cooled. I let out a yawn as the day for me was too long to keep my eyes closed any sooner.

"Kelly did you know that the main character In the movie Is called four?". I opened my eyes as I heard my name over the movie that was still playing.

"What, I mean yes I know that because he has four fear". I told her.

"True, What are my fears Kelly?". I looked at her and she actually waited for an answer.

"I am not sure". She tapped her finger on her leg.

"I know, fear of heights". She opened her mouth to speak.

"Hey, that's Is so-". I paused her there.

"True". She nodded her head and turned to face her whole body to me.

"I have the answers to your fears". I blinked and took a bit from the doughnut.

"You do! What are they?". I wiped my mouth with napkin and looked at her.

" Number 1, Failure not wanting life to go without a success. Number 2, Rejection that on one around see's you after the things you have been though. Number 3, The unknown your mine Is telling you the right thing but the fear of you moving forward Is going to have an Impact on you and Number 4, Death not knowing who will be next and not wanting to see anyone go though the pain. That's your four fears and I know they are right". I recapped what she just told me. I was trying to get out my words but, saliva filled my mouth with a tear running down my checks.

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