Chapter 2: Nightmare

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A warm night filled the city, with people crowed in every direction and the smell of delicious food, yum. I was holding my fathers hand, we made our way into the shop we loved the most, ice cream. I placed my hands onto the cold glass and my eyes had lit up, from the colours and the topping. I was in heaven, that was the best part about my father taking me everywhere and spending the time together.

"Kelly, what topping would you like". He smiled and looked to the price board.

There was so many flavours, I wished I could have them all. But I know what I wanted.

"umm... I would like that one dad". My smile was to big to even get my words out, so I just pointed to the flavour my eyes forced me to take.

"Sure, what do you say"?

"Please dad".

Wonderful! The ice cream tasted amazing with my flavour of peppermint and chocolate, I licked the sides so it would not go to waste. We sat down near the park, the night was still and warm the stars where out.

"Kelly come look, if you follow your finger in the sky you will spot a heart".

I ran out to him and realized that he seemed so happy, the way we laughed and got along together it was the happiest time of my life. I followed his fingers in the air, he was right it did make a heart. I was to fousced on the stars and had forgotten about the ice cream that had dripped down my t-shirt.

"Oh no". Turning around to face him a let out a sign.

"What's wrong?".

"The ice cream has gone over my top, now its all sticky".

"Yes I can see now, there is a girls bathroom just here. Go inside and clean your self up. I will be waiting right here for you".

I nodded and ran to the bathroom. I looked my self in the mirror and haven't realized how bad the chocolate had ran down my top. I grabbed toilet paper and starting wetting and wiping myself. It was better than before but it still was very bad.

I made my way out of the bathroom, and there was no sign of him. I thought he was hiding somewhere or playing a joke.

"Hahah dad, I found you its not funny now". I laughed at the same time, as my checks where starting to go red.

I was standing there for 2 minutes and there was no sign of him, this was unlike him. He said he would meet me right here. I decided to walk at the back of the toilets, I know he was hiding somewhere. I was skipping to the other side and a part of me died...

"DAD,DAD,DAD!!!". My tears where running down my cheeks, I placed my hands on his chest trying to find his heart beat, nothing was there. All I could think of, that's his gone!

"Dad, please don't leave me". I glance up at the dark night sky, with only one star left. That was for him.

I took my hands off his stomach, and there was blood everywhere. I could see that he was stabbed and I was to late to save him. I stated yelling and screaming for help I had no idea what to do.

"Don't worry dad, I will be here until I find help". I shook my head and my tears where not stopping, I tried to be brave he would of told me to.

"Darling, don't worry the ambulance is coming".

I looked up, and a lading was standing there with people crowding her, I had no idea what to say but look down and kiss my father last time on the cheek, and tell him " I love you".

"NO, dad I am sorry". I lifted my head off the pillow, it was only 2:00am in the morning. I was sweating and crying at the same time. The bedroom door brusted opened and my mother come rushing to me.

"Kelly, what's the matter". With the sound of her low and tired voice, I didn't want to tell her anything.

"I had a nightmare about dad". I looked at her. She placed my hands over her shoulders and was rocking me, as a child.

"Its ok, sweet heart everything is going to be fine". She told me that, but I know that everything was going to be alright. A part off me told me to keep watch.

Revenge Will Be Back! (EDITING)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя