Chapter 14: True Friend

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Gone, when someone around me Isn't present anymore. The feeling deep down In my heart Is a hole and nothing can replace the Impact that I have gone though. Screaming Is the only sound that had came out from my mouth In the past hour, with tear drops falling down to the floor. Sounds of ringing In my ears had suddenly stopped the screams and the room feel silent with only a phone ringing on the table.

"Hello, who Is It?". I placed the phone to my ear and sat down on the bed.

"Kelly It's Allison. Where the hell have you been?". I placed my hand on my forehead and took a deep breath.

"I don't know myself?" I told her.

"You haven't been at school the past 2 days and everyone Is actually worried about you". I can't believe I have forgotten about school, and the homework will be double then what I started off with.

"My step father Is arrested and my mother Is dead". I couldn't even get the last word out, with my mouth wanting to scream.

"Kelly, what are you talking about?". I could just Imagine the confuses on her face.

"She was murdered Allison, and nothing can bring her back". The soft sound of breathing come from the other end.

"No Kelly, how?". She asked.

"She was running away Allison. The witness said there was someone In a sliver ford car behind her and from the other lane a red car slowed down and created an Impact that no one wanted to see. I am seeing the police and the witness In about 20 minutes to find out more about this case. My brother Is alive, and have no Idea what to do".  I struggled to get each of my words out.

"This can't be true Kelly, why would they do this? Where are you going to go now with Jacob?". She asked me.

"I have no Idea, without a family and to keep us both safe. I just should of die as well Allison". I teared up and wiped my eyes.

"Don't say that, you are the most beautiful best friend I have had. Never In a million years would I want to loss a precious person like you". No one has ever said that to me before.

"Thank you Allison, I have no Idea where I would be In this crazy world without a friend like you". I heard a small giggle from the other end and smiled.

"You wouldn't". I heard Jake calling my name and need to go.

"Sorry Allison I have to go. Jake Is calling me". I made may way to the office and waited at the door.

"No worries and don't worry about a thing". I smiled.

"Thanks heaps". I spoke.

"Are you free around 5pm to maybe catch up In town?". I looked at the clock In the office and read after 12.

"I would love that, It should be fine". Jake had called me In the office with his hands waving at me.

"Great see you then Kelly". I nodded my head and he disappeared Inside the office.

"For sure bye". I ended the call and and made my way Inside the office with a long table filled with too many police officers and Jake holding a seat for me, In the far back corner.

"Thanks for the seat. Allison called and asked for me to meet up with her at 5 this afternoon". He stopped scrolling though his phone and looked at me.

"Ok, whatever suits you". He shrugged his shoulders and was looking back at his phone.

"Are you alright there Jake? Why are you talking to me like that?". I faced him, and didn't say nothing.

"If you want to be a shit, fine then leave It like that". I pushed the chair back and walked over to another chair on the opposite side near the door.

"Fine then Kelly. Don't you ever realize this whole entire thing Is just about you and never asked or thought how It Is effecting me Inside. So Kelly did you?". The room turned from talking to no talking In minutes as soon as Jake yelled to me across the room, and everybody's eyes faced towards me. Standing up from my chair I pointed at him.

"Did you thing I wanted my life to turn out this way Jake? Did you?. This Isn't just some show on tv and here we are solving a case. My father and mother are dead Jake, Jacob has no one at all and for me seeing him grow up the next years In his life. You can't even Imagine how It must feel for me to tell him. I thought you where the only person that I trusted Jake, you told me you loved me and that you would always stay with me until I get my revenge back. And this Is how you treat me, like shit? You weren't always that boy that played soccer and had all the girls fitting and talking about you. You are just a boy that wants attention, and are you happy? You got what you always wanted. For you It's a happy ever after, for me It's a trip to hell". I banged my fist on the table and walked out the door and slammed It shut to hear the talking going on Inside. 

Walking down the stairs, I grabbed my coat from the coat hanger and walked out to town on a cooled afternoon. I called Allison up and told her to meet me at Crystal blue cafe In town and to order me a small hot chocolate with biscuits. After a walk to the town I tried to clear my mind and keep my self clam, all I needed was to talk to a friend and their Is no better person then Allison.

"Hey Kelly, over here". I saw Allison waving her hand, for her to see me sitting outside. I walked up to her and she gave me a warm friendly hug.

"You look beautiful Kelly, as always". I smiled back and sat down In the chair.

"Thanks I don't feel like I do". I took a small sip from the hot chocolate to make sure I wouldn't burn my lip.

"Are you ok? Besides, what you talked to me on the phone about". Staring at me for a minute and I wiped my mouth with a napkin.

"I am pretty sure me and Jake are finished". She stopped dipping her biscuit In her hot chocolate and just waited for a response.

"He started talking to me like shit, as like all of this Is my fault and I should have now that this was too much for him". I pulled my hair back and sat In the chair.

"I thought he loved you and that he would be with you until the end?". She placed her elbows on the table.

"I thought so to Allison, he Is such an-".

"idiot". Allison had all ready read my mind and know what I felt like.

"Yes that's right". I started playing around with the spoon and looking around.

"I am more then sorry to what has happened to you. You have been though to much and nothing should have happened to you In the first place". She touched my hand and and held It tight.

"I am going to say with you even when you fall down". I tear ran down my cheek and I smiled back at her.

"Thank you, I can never In a million years have a friend like you". She let go off my hand and sipped her drink slowly.

"Don't worry about anything you will be fine". She called over the waiter for the bill to be paid.

"Already? You can sleep over at my house tonight, I thought maybe It would be better for you then sleeping back at yours". I pushed the chair and grabbed my bag from the floor, and pulled It to my arm.

"Thanks!". We left the cafe with tears In both of our eyes not from the bad things, just from the good and the good will become the better soon. I hoped.

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