Start from the beginning

"Oh my God! Oh! Oh my God. No. I don't think so!" The bachelorette watches the girls and starts to laugh, "No, no, no, this can't be happening."

"Hell yeah it is!" Rosie laughs as she and her two close friends start dancing around with the male stripper, who looks very amused by the surprise, while they throw colourful confetti everywhere around the room.

Bonnie and Elena sit Jo down on a chair and Rosie puts a 'Bachelorette' tiara on her head and throws strings of Mardi Gras beads around her neck. After a moment, Jo starts to get into it, and dances in her seat while the stripper gives her a lap dance. Bonnie and Rosie laugh at the sight of them.

"Happy bachelorette!" Elena yelled.

"Happy bachelorette!" Bonnie and Rosie chimed in.


Mystic Falls Restaurant, Josette's Bachelorette Party

Rosie, Elena, Bonnie, and Jo have moved the well-planned surprise party to a local restaurant, which is completely unoccupied aside from themselves only for the woman's final single night. They're laughing and chattering together while they are eating huge hamburgers and french fries, and Jo seems very thrilled to have this small get-together for her own party.

"An entire diner to ourselves? Actual heaven." The bachelorette herself said.

The caramel brunette nods as she smiles sweetly at her, "You're welcome."

"If Caroline were here, we would be planning a spa day." Elena proclaimed.

Her best friend added on sadly, "With Minerva. But now, they're both MIA."

"Understandable, considering..." The woman mentally reminded herself of the humanity switch-flip and the recent news of her brother's break-up.

"So, I figured we'd just stuff our faces." Her vampire intern giggles.

Jo dramatically sighs in pleasure as she eats her burger, "You're geniuses."

"Why, thank you." The older doppelgänger smiles happily.

The Bennett girl giggles, "Except...aren't you a vegetarian?"

"Oh wow. What a way to ruin it, Bon." Rosie sarcastically retorted.

The Gilbert girl laughs at the remark, "Yeah, Bonnie, don't ruin it!"

"I'm just saying, that's not exactly a Garden burger!" Bonnie remarked.

The caramel brunette scoffs in ridicule and nods at Jo, "How's the baby?"

"The baby is not okay with the no-meat thing. Besides, it's my party, and I'll eat what I want to!" The pregnant bachelorette takes a delectable big gulp of her sweet chocolate milkshake, "I do wish this was vodka, though."

"Right?" Her supportive but envious intern said.

"Hey, I don't want to know what Ric's doing, do I?" Jo mentioned.

"Probably at the...movies..." Her student's best friend awkwardly said.

"Yeah, or mini-golf...?" The younger vampire added on playfully.

The three young girls start giggling hysterically together, significantly knowing by themselves wordlessly that Jo isn't going to believe their lies.

"Uh-huh." Jo skeptically replied and sets down her glass of milkshake, "I need ketchup!" She gets up to get her ketchup, and Bonnie scoots into the woman's seat so she can speak to Elena privately while Rosie only listens.

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