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ten. fifty shades of grayson

Augustine Underground Laboratory

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Augustine Underground Laboratory

Rosie, who's lying on a rubber test bed, weakly opens her hazel eyes and looks around, her vision remains blurry and weak due to the toxic vervain in her system, thanks to Dr. Maxfield, until she can see that there's an empty bag of blood on an IV stand and lamps. She looks at one dark end of the eerily silent room and sees an old though familiar staircase leading upstairs. Where is she? What happened? Where is Enzo now? Where is Damon? Where is Stefan? Why didn't either of the brothers come to her rescue yet?

"Subject 83182 appears conscious." Wes' extremely familiar voice sounded as he examines the banshee/vampire hybrid lying on the rubber test bed.

The caramel brunette hybrid snaps out of it and weakly looks up at the researcher, who's looking down at her in her weak state, "Where am I?"

"Why? Look familiar?" Of course it is, considering she's been here before, though he chose not to tell her so as he only wants her to figure out herself.

Rosie looks around and sees a big dialysis machine, "What is that thing?" She tries to get loose from the tight straps, "What are you doing to me?"

"83182 resume prep for blood dialysis." Wes puts a mask over her nose and mouth, "Count from ten. Nine, eight, seven, six, five..." Rosie falls asleep.


Salvatore Boarding House, Stefan's Bedroom

The green-eyed vampire is putting some of his previous clothes away and Damon is leaning against the open doorframe, who also just came home.

"Where the hell you been?" He hasn't seen him, or Rosie, ever since the day when they were invited to the welcome home party for Bonnie and Luka; he declined, which leaves both Damon and Rosie with the opportunity to go to the late celebration together at Whitmore campus to interrogate Wes. To say that he's truly envious of his brother would be a huge understatement, though that seems alright, considering he was with Katherine all night.

"Aw, you know, being held against my will, shot in the head, now I can't find Rosie." Damon casually walks into the room, dry blood seen on the front of his gray shirt, "How was your evening? Anything out of the ordinary happen?" Other than the fact that his brother slept with Katherine the previous night, which he was informed by their mutual ex-girlfriend herself earlier when he just came in through the main door at the main foyer.

"Wait a minute. What do you mean you can't find Rosie?" Stefan highlighted with furrowed eyebrows, truly puzzled and concerned by how that sounds.

"I mean, she's not picking up her phone, she's not anywhere around campus, she's nowhere in her house or here, which leads me to believe that Dr. Creepy Ken-doll has her somewhere." The older brother concluded in deep concern over what Wes could have done to their friend by now.

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