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twenty-nine. fade into you

1994 Prison World, Portland

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1994 Prison World, Portland

Minerva opens the backseat door of the parked Toyota at a clearing to get the bags while Kai opens the trunk of the car where Bonnie is, "Wakey, wakey." He pulls the necessary witch out; her hands are bound with rope.

"Sorry, Bon. He made me do it." Her best friend apologetically told her and turns to look at the large house owned by Kai and his family — the Parkers.

"How did we..." The older nineteen-year-old girl trailed off cluelessly.

"Get so lucky to arrive here on a private flight piloted by yours truly? Oh, you would have been super-impressed with my flying skills, but I'd already knocked you out with painkillers." The young man casually talked to her.

"Where are we?" The young witch questioned as she looks at her friend.

"Portland, Oregon." The Devon girl simply answered as she looks back.

"Stomping grounds of Courtney Love, Tonya Harding, and tons of other awesome people." The oldest one added on and smiles at Minerva.

"You could have brought us anywhere in the world, and you took us to Portland?" The Bennett girl judged with a frown as she looks up at him.

"Don't be mean. This is where he grew up." Her best friend pointed out.

Kai hums and cuts off the tight ropes roughly that Bonnie cries out in pain for a while that has Minerva to turn back around and watch them properly.

"I've been counting eclipses since I was imprisoned on this empty planet, and according to my running tally, I've been here for six thousand seven hundred and seventy-one supernaturally repeating days, so in the real world, which we'll never get back to because you sent your magic away in a Teddy bear, today's my favourite day of the year." Kai talked to them.

"And what day is that?" The uninterested older girl asked.

"Thanksgiving." The young banshee answered simply.

"Yep. I'm cooking you both dinner." Kai told them before he leads the way.


Bonnie, Caroline and Elena's Dormitory Room/Portland, Oregon

Elena, who's right outside of her occupied dorm room for Thanksgiving, is on the phone with Alaric, who has just made it at the Parkers' residence with Isaac, Stefan and Damon, "You can't miss Friends-giving. I mean, Matt and Jeremy are already cleaning up the whole Tripp mess, and Caroline's mom has to work. We're already low on friends as it is, which really sucks."

Benjamin McKittrick walks past her, holding two glass bottles of champagne for the dinner, as he goes inside the dorm room, "Which is why I'm here." He earns a grateful and relieved smile from the sophomore doppelgänger.

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