November 18, 1931

75 1 0

I was about to eat a can of soup, and it either expired or was tampered with.
Instead of being greeted by a disgusting smell of bacon and onions I got something other than that, a red pulsating blob of slime? Goo? Something. It smells awful, like decaying roadkill, flesh, meat. I see teeth in it, was it alive or once alive? It was pulsating but I doubt in this condition it would be alive.
I want to vomit.

I just threw it away, I see eyes in it. Eyes, teeth, legs. The legs look familiar to me, but now is not the time to think, what the actual fuck was it? Was it just a new brand of soup Barley picked up, doubt it.
He would not do that to me. I know him.

Of course I threw it away, why wouldn't I? I checked the other cans of soup to see if the others were this disgusting.
Four out of ten had these strange blobs, why? What is it, is it just a mistake by the company? I am skipping out on eating today.
I need to talk to Barley.

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