Chapter Fourteen: Project A396

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He was lost in his mind, body feeling nothing but pain and suffering. He's never felt so alone in his life. He thought he knew what it felt like but now that Jungkook was gone, he didn't know what else to do. Taehyung looked out of the window, frowning after he let out a sigh. It's been months since Jungkook's been gone. Every night since they left Taehyung would cry himself to sleep. Yes, he learned to care about Jungkook alot. He didn't know when or how it happened, he just knows that he can't live without him anymore.

It was strange, the feeling he was feeling. Now that he was gone, it felt like something within him was gone, something was missing. Everyone was worried about him. They kept asking if he was okay or if he needed something but Taehyung would always shake them off. They didn't understand what he was going through. . . only Helen did. She would sit next to him, not saying a single word. She would only hold him tightly, soothingly rubbing her hand on his back, cradling him like a baby.

He liked it, he felt like that was what he needed. He wasn't the only one that would cry, he heard her cry when she was alone too. But she wouldn't cry in front of him. No, she would try to be strong in front of him but Taehyung knew it was all a façade. Jungkook was like her son, of course she would be feeling the same. "Taehyung?" He heard Helen ask on the corner of his room. "Are you hungry?" She asked which only made him shake his head.

That's something else she started doing. She made sure he was eating properly as well as keep an eye on him. He's been receiving alot of letters recently too, from his brother, Yoongi and everyone else. He remembers being close to Jimin and Hoseok but he wasn't that close with Seokjin and Namjoon. According to Yoongi's letter, Seokjin had went to visit Namjoon in District Seven. Taehyung wanted to feel happy for them but he couldn't entirely feel it.

His mind and heart only occupied itself with thoughts of Jungkook. Helen made sure to let them know about everything that has been going on. Taehyung was thankful for that. He didn't know if he would be able to talk about it without bursting into tears. "Hey, why don't you get the mail? Maybe there's another letter from Yoongi." Taehyung nodded, not wanting to defy her since she's been there for him. Mateo, Edgar, and Sam were there too but Helen was the one that comforted him the most.

Taehyung walked outside, taking the mail from the mailbox. He looked through them, frowning when he saw it was full of junk. That is, until he got to the last letter. It was empty, no address of who it was from. The only thing on it was his name at the center. Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows, bringing the mail inside. "Anything from Yoongi?" Helen asked, stopping whatever she was doing when Taehyung didn't reply. He walked towards the living room, sitting on the couch with the letter on his hands.

"Hey, you okay?" Helen walked over to him, watching him open the letter. He heard him gasp, eyes coating with tears. Helen couldn't help it when she got closer, looking over Taehyung's shoulder. Her eyes widened, immediately recognizing the hand writing. "It's. . . from Jungkook." She said but before she was able to say anything else, Taehyung gave her the letter. She was confused at first but when he explained, she smiled softly.

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