Chapter Three: A Change

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A/N: Sorry for the long wait >.< Here's chapter three of Bond Stronger than Blood. I hope you enjoy and please leave a comment down below letting me know what you thought ^^

"Like this?" Jungkook asked as he started to move a garden rake on the ground. "Yeah, that's fine. This is to make sure the soil is even to plant more seeds." Minho explained with a smile. Jungkook nodded his head as he continued to do as he was told. He wanted to help Minho and Mona out since they gave him a place to stay as well as food the evening before. After an hour of gardening, Minho sighed and wiped the sweat off his face with a small towel. "Alright, I think this'll do. Come now, you must be hungry. Let's go get some breakfast." Jungkook followed Minho inside, and sat down when he signaled him to do so. He then saw Minho bring Mona closer to the table. She smiled at him and gave Minho a side hug.

"Are you here Jungkook?" "Yes ma'am." Jungkook responded when the woman asked. "Oh enough with the ma'am. I'm old but I don't want to feel it. I guess that's the good thing of not being able to see." The woman said with a chuckle. "I can't see the wrinkles appearing under my eyes." Jungkook shook his head and smiled softly. "No, you're very pretty. I thought you were Minho's sister." Mona laughed before she placed her hand on her cheek. Her other hand blindly reached towards Jungkook, which Jungkook quickly moved his hand to reach hers.

"You're such a sweetheart." Minho then came in a placed two plate on the table, one in front of Mona and the other in front of Jungkook. He then walked back into the kitchen to bring back another plate for himself. Jungkook looked down at the plate and saw eggs on bread as well as a side of cut tomatoes and avocado. "I hope you don't mind the vegetables. That's what we eat most here since we have our little garden. Not only does it helps us eat better, it also saves us some money for something important."

"Like my funeral bills." "Ma, please don't say things like that." The woman smiled and chuckled lightly. "It's inevitable, I rather think of it as a sort of relief. Besides, I won't be a bother to you anymore once I'm gone." "You're not a bother to me, you never were. If you were to leave, I'd be terribly lonely." Mona frowned then before reaching over to Minho. Once she felt his shoulder, she slapped him hard enough to make Minho wince.

"Ouch! Why did you do that for?!" "I did it because you didn't listen to me last time! I told you to find yourself a wife and what happens? You ended up alone, living with your mother." Minho nervously laughed as he rubbed the back of his neck. "I was. . . busy." "Busy fooling around at that dreadful place." Jungkook raised both eyebrows, raising his eyes to look at both Minho and Mona speak. He was taking large bites of food as he heard them speak. "I only went a couple times. . . I honestly didn't do anything wrong."

"That's what they all say." Mona then turned her head where she thought Jungkook was sitting. Jungkook perked up, stopping mid eating when Mona spoke. "You stay out of that place you hear? Only people with bad reputation goes there. You go there and your life will be miserable." Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows, confused at what Mona was talking about. He turned his head at Minho, who thankfully explained. "There's this place called the Naughty Rabbit and well. . . it's a place where people go and. . . explore."

Bond Stronger Than BloodOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora