Chapter Eight: Someone Out There

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A/N: Sorry for the later Chapter, I hope everyone enjoyed their Christmas!!!! I got sick in the end of last week but still had to do things for christmas so I ended up not really typing anything lol I

I did however, get alot of inspiration for this story and am working on the next chapter after this one. I'll upload it as soon as I'm done editing it.

Let me know what you thought about the story so far ^^ Love you all!!


A week passed faster than Jungkook expected. Within that week, Yoongi and the others had him practicing his powers even though Jungkook's been practicing his whole life. He didn't mind though, they wanted to see what he could do and to what extent. After that night with Yoongi, Jungkook seemed to notice that there was a progression. Yoongi seemed much more relaxed around him and he also started making jokes. "Alright, good job. Let's take a break." Jungkook nodded at Hoseok's words and instantly sat down on a nearby chair.

His eyes looked around, immediately spotting Seokjin who was speaking with Jimin. He had a smile on his face but there are times when Jungkook finds him spacing out. 'I wonder what he thought about the letter.' Jungkook thought in his head. It's been a week since he's given him Namjoon's letter and even though he's really curious, he knows that it isn't his place to ask. Jungkook sighed as he stood up, instantly walking out of their training section and into the kitchen.

He reached for a glass cup and pour himself some fruit water that was inside the refrigerator. He drank a full cup before refilling his cup once more. He heard footsteps behind him but didn't bother looking from who they were from. "Kid, we need to talk." Jungkook turned his head when he heard Yoongi sit down on one of the chairs by the kitchen island. "Yeah, what's wrong?" He asked curiously. "I spoke with some people in District four and we figured out a path for you to sneak your way in."

Jungkook smiled and opened his mouth to speak when Yoongi stopped him, raising a hand in front of him. "But, there's a problem. That spot is heavily guarded, especially since they've been looking for you alot recently. Unfortunately, you're only going with Hoseok. He'll lead you all the way there." "Wait, you and the other's aren't coming with us?" Jungkook asked, a frown on his face. He remembers Yoongi saying that he was going to work it out with his brother so Jungkook expected him to go with him to District four.

"I'm pretty known here kid, if they know that I'm gone without an explanation, they'll know something is wrong. I can't go with you. At least, not at the same time. I can make up an excuse, an event or something so that I can go to District four but by the meantime, you're going with Hoseok. We're going to plan everything out and let you know when everything is ready." Jungkook nodded. He knew this day would come. He knew that he wasn't going to stay with Yoongi and the others for long not only because he needed to find Helen but because he was wanted.

Bond Stronger Than BloodOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora