Chapter Four: The Naughty Rabbit

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A/N: Sorry for the late chapter!! Because I have other ongoing stories I guess I neglaected it >< I'll try to keep it going and not do it again so please accept this long chapter as an apology lol. Anywho, apologies aside, the other members will be appearing very, very soon. Let me know down in the comments what you think of the story so far. I would love to know your opinions ^^

It was night time and Jungkook was heading straight to the place the girl had led him the other day. It was his first day at 'work' and he was nervous. He was only supposed to serve drinks but what if Namjoon only told him that to make him come here? Jungkook took a deep breath and shook his head 'No, he wouldn't do that. . . would he?' The truth was, he didn't know Namjoon so well to know if he meant the things he said. Namjoon was a good liar, Jungkook could tell since everyone didn't know he was the one who owned the 'Naughty Rabbit.'

He really hoped he could trust Namjoon though. He could be the only person who could help him finally go to district four, where Helen was. He missed her as well as Jimmy and Kevin. They were his family and they were out there, not knowing where he was. He wondered what they were doing right now. Are they worried about him? Are they perhaps looking for him? He didn't know but he wished with all his heart that they're not suffering because of him.

Jungkook was knocked out of his thoughts when he arrived at the 'Naughty Rabbit's' door. He took a deep breath and reached into the bag he brought, pulling out the mask Namjoon had sent him. Jungkook had only tried it on once and he rather liked it, strangely. It made him look mysterious, his eyes were barely visible even though there was clear eye holes through the mask. He guessed it was because his eyes were rather dark.

As he entered the hatch, he instantly heard the voice of a woman singing. It was deep but very beautiful and soulful. She was standing on the stage, bright lights luminating her bright red dress, matching the color of her hair. Even though the rabbit mask was covering most of her face, her eyes were bright blue, almost sky blue. Jungkook wondered if they were real. "Mr. Rabbit, you got her just in time. Follow me." Jungkook turned his head at the sound of a man.

The man had a blue mask with silver details around the rim, glittering whenever the light hit it. The man was quite flamboyant as he spoke and walked towards the hallway, gesturing Jungkook to follow him into a room and he did. He entered the room, immediately looking around. There were mirrors and vanities around every corner of the wall, bright lights were all around the mirrors. In the center was a white stand, a mirror installed on the floor around the bottom.

"Stand here whilst I check your measurements." "I'm sorry? Measurements? For what?" "For your suit silly. You're not going to attract customers with that." The man said as he pointed towards Jungkook's outfit. He was wearing jeans that had holes on the knee area and a plain white shirt. "Come on now, get on. My name's Joan by the way. I don't mind people knowing who I am so feel free to call me by that name. Oh and since you're new here, don't hesitate to ask me questions. I'll try to be as honest as my boss let's me."

Jungkook nodded his head as he processed everything. He stood on the stand and lifted his arms in the air when Joan took out a measuring tape, measuring his body. "Uhm. . . okay, what kind of place is this? Like, I kind of get the jist of this place but. . . not entirely." Jungkook asked, arms moving when Joan positioned them a different way. "Well, this place is whatever the customers want it to be. Of course depending on how much they pay and if the employee allows it."

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