
Because you are!


You are crazy.


Yeah, you are insane.


I'm not insane. I'm a genius.


You are acting like that Collin guy in Love Actually. But you aren't gonna end up with a bunch of hot chicks, you are gonna end up with a broken heart.


Or, broken mouthed from too much making out!


You are the worst. You are actually the worst.


Look guys. I need you to support me on this ok? I get that it was a crazy idea and it might not work, but I need to do this. If it works, great. And if it doesn't at least she knows how I feel.


Okay, fine. Since you put it that way, I'll support you on it.


I guess I'll cave.


Shit, I'll do it too.


I'm doing it, but I don't like it.


Great. Now, I need you to help me plan out what I'm gonna say.

12:23 AM Wednesday, February 5.

Ana's Uber pulled up to the big iron gate in front of her new house. "You can just drop me here." She siad unbuckling herself. She grabbed her bags and thanked her driver. Ana walked up to the keypad on the fence and typed in the code: 101819. The first day she ever talked to the boys. The gate opened slowly and she walked through. She stood a top the small hill that was in front of her new house. She looked down at the house with a smile. With out thinking, she ran down the hill as if the house was some long lost lover of her's. When she got to the door, she fumbled around for her keys. She quickly unlocked the lock on the front doors and stepped into her large and empty house.

"HELLO!" She called into the echo-y void. She stumbled around, looking for the light switch. After finding it an turning it on, she was in awe. The house looked great in pictures but in real life, it was 20 times more beautiful. She walked around at all the empty rooms, trying to figure out what each one would be. Finally, on the second floor, she found the master bedroom. Exhausted, she threw her things down on the floor and grabbed her air matters that she packed. She inflated it and the second her head hit the mattress, she was out like a light.

A few hours, she heard something hitting her window. she tried to ignore it but no matter how hard she tried, the noise only got more and more irritating. She finally got up to check and see what it was. She opened the window and looked down to find, "Daniel? What the fuck are you doing here?" "Come outside." "What?" "Come outside!" Ana rolled her eyes but opened the door to her balcony and stepped out into the cool morning air.

"What are you doing here?" She asked. "I came to see you." "I can see that. But why?" "Because I love you." "Oh my god Daniel. Not this shit again. Daniel, please." "No, Ana. I want you to listen to me. I know you know I love you. I don't think you were surprised, I know I wasn't. Your silly and colorful personality made you utterly irresistible from day one. I knew form the moment we first texted that there was something different about you. Something different from any other girl I had ever met. You were just you, you didn't pretend to be anything other than that. You were venerable with us, you let us see your good, your bad, and your crazy. Everything. And I admired that. I admired you. And soon, with out knowing it, I found myself falling in love with you."

"I know it's horrible timing. It always is, but there is never gonna be a perfect time to do something like this. There will never be anything rigth about any of this but here, adn now, I just need to know." "What do you need to know Daniel." "If you," his voice began to break, "If you love me." Ana sighed, "Isn't it obvious. You told me you loved me and then I moved thousands of miles away." "So you don't." "I moved so I wouldn't have to see you!" SHe blurted.

"I didn't want to see you Daniel. I didn't want to see you because I was so overcome with emotions and I kew if I stayed, I would have done something I would have rereated. So I left. I left before anything bad could happen because I fucking love you. I love every last thing about you. Your eyes, your hair, the stupid way you smile when you laugh your perfect laugh. I adore you! I have since we were in London.""So why didn't you say anything." "I didn't say anything becuase I didn't know hownyou felt. NAd by then it was way too late because i was with Jonah. PLus, I wanted to save you." "Save me from what?" "Me! I am a horrible girlfreind. I cheated on Milo with Shawn. I dated Shawn. I kissed you while i was dating Jonah." "None of that matters to me Ana. All that metters to me is this. I baught a fligth back to LA that eaves in 3 hours. If you tell me you love me and you mean it, I'll stay. Hell, I'll even move here to be with you. And if you don't love me honestly, I'll go home and you'll never see me again."

"God, you are so stupid." "What?" He askes. "Catch!" Ana said as she stood on the railing of the balcony and slid down the roof. SHe landed in Daneil's arms, staring up into his eyes. He set her down on the ground and they stood there for a second. Ana grabbed his face and pressed her lips onto his. Ana could feel her heart light up when he kissed her back. They pulled away and she smiled a huge smile. "I do Daniel. I love you." He smiled and they kissed again. "So you'll stay?" "Yes. Yes I will." He said with a smile. "I am gonna have to get the boys to send me all my clothes." "You didn't bring clothes?" "No." Daneil said laughing. "You left and as we were leaving the airport, I ran back and got a ticket." "Are you insane!" Ana said, giggling. "Ya know what they say, people do crazy things when they're in love." "Ya know what, I just had a crazy idea." "Hit me."



Hello fellow humans.


Oh my god! How did it go?


Judging by the strangeness of the text, it either wnet fantastically or it was total shit.


Well, what is it.




I'm gonna let Ana tell you.


Well, Daniel and I may have sort of kinda maybe um gotten married.

Goodbye, I Love YouWhere stories live. Discover now