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I'm not ashamed that I screamed all the way down. We hit the water hard, and I almost gasp at the icy shock. I swim up, my head breaking the surface. Around me, Newt, Minho and Thomas are doing the same. In the window above us, Janson glares down. Thomas flips him off, then swims away, calling for us to follow.

"Minho, you ok?" I ask, hauling Newt out of the water.

"Yeah, I'm fine," he says, staggering to his feet.

"You four!"

I turn around, helping Newt up. Five WICKED guards are advancing on us, blasters raised.

"You gotta be kidding me," Thomas pants, backing away.

"Take it easy," one of the guards shouts, coming closer. I reach for my belt. "Don't even think about it!" I stop reaching for my belt. "Get on your knees," the guard orders, "with your hands in the air." He doesn't wait, but spins and shoots the other four guards rapidly in the chests. They go down. The guard runs towards us, ripping of his mask to reveal Gally.

"Gally?" Minho asks, staring.

"Minho," Gally glances at the broken window of the building, then back at us. "You guys are nuts."

Thomas sneezes, then pats Minho's shoulder. "I'll explain later,"" he says, running after Gally.

"Come on, man," I grab Minho's hand, dragging him with us.

Sirens ring all around us, red and blue lights casting weird glows over our faces. We slide behind a cement box, one solitary tree sticking out of it. I'm shivering uncontrollably, but there's nothing I can do about that.

"Well," says Gally, "they're definitely pissed."

"How far to the tunnels?" Thomas asks, pulling off his gloves.

"Maybe twelve blocks from here," Gally guesses, but is interrupted by a coughing fit from Newt.

I bend over him, pulling him further up the wall into a better position. "We can make it," I say, "we have to."

"Newt," Minho crouches beside him, "how're you feeling?"

"Terrible," Newt groans, "it's good to see you though." He pats Minho's shoulder.

"You'll be ok," I tell him, "we've just gotta get to Brenda. I promise-"

"Yeah," he says, "I know."

I glance at Thomas and Gally, who have since been joined by Minho.

"Come on," Thomas says, walking over, "Hey, Newt, come on bud, we gotta get you up. Let's go. (Y/N), help."

Newt staggers up, leaning heavily on Thomas and almost falling over.

"Woah, woah, woah," I say, putting an arm around his waist, "it's alright, leans on us."

Gally leads the way, Minho at the back, and Thomas and I helping Newt. We're slow, but we've covered about three blocks when a bright orange explosion shakes the ground.

"Shit, what was that?" I yell, looking over to where a plume of orange flame lights the night sky.

"They were supposed to take down WICKED," Gally says, "not the whole damn city."

More sirens wail, and I realise that the explosion is the walls, crumbling in a mass of orange flame.

"Gally," Thomas says, "come on."

We keep moving.

"Tunnels are right up ahead," Gally calls as we enter an alleyway, sirens and lights coming from up ahead. "Stay low," he tells us, ducking behind a concrete wall, "stay low!"

WICKED games 3 (Newt x female reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now