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"After the Maze," Gally says as we walk through the crowded streets, "I got picked up by a group who were headed for the city. They realised I was immune, patched me up, then brought me here, to Lawrence."

We follow him down a concrete walkway, into a cluttered space filled with tables, each one laden with a mixture of electronics and weapons.

"This group's been a war with WICKED ever since they took control of the city," Gally continues, "and WICKED can't hide behind those walls forever. The day's gonna come, and they're gonna pay for what they've done." He stops, turning to face us. "Listen, ah," he hesitates, "he doesn't get a lot of visitors, so let me do the talking. Alright? And try not to stare."

I glance at Newt beside me, then follow Gally down a small flight of stairs, into a basement area.

"Is that roses?" I sniff.

"Yeah," says Brenda, "think so."

"Rose took my nose, I suppose." The voice is barely a whisper, coming from the corner of the room. "Rose took my nose, I suppose. Rose, Rose, Rose, took my nose..."

"What the...?" Frypan whispers, but Gally casts him a glare and he shuts up.

Light filters through a hole in the ceiling, gently illuminating a flight of stairs down into another room, this one lined with shelves of books and packed full of potted rose plants.

"Gally," a man stands up from a pot on the floor, a rose held between his fingers. "Glad to see you made it back," he continues, "Jesper told me what happened."

"It was a slaughter," Gally says, "there was nothing we could do against those guns."

"No," the man – Lawrence, I assume – says, and I notice a drip leading to his arm, crystal blue fluid running down the cord. "but they can only poke the hornet's nest so long, before they get stung." He lifts the rose in his hand to his face, sucking a whistling breath in. From his silhouette in the light, I don't think he has a nose. That must be what all the whispering was about. "Who are these people?" he asks, "Why are they here?"

"We need to get in to WICKED," Thomas steps forward, "Gally said you can get us through the walls."

Lawrence turns, staring at us for a long moment. "Gally should know better than to make promises he can't keep," he sniffs the rose again. "Besides, the wall is only half your problem," he grabs his drip, wheeling it forward with him, "getting inside WICKED is impossible."

"There might be a way now," Gally says, "but it doesn't work without Thomas." Thomas looks sideways at Gally, frowning.

"Is that so?" Lawrence asks, moving forward a couple more steps. "You know what I am?" he asks, and I can finally see his face.

I try not to take a step back, it's horrible. Where Lawrence's nose used to be, is only a gaping black hole, veins of black, coral-lick structures covering his cheek. Most of his hair has fallen out, and one eye gleams a milky white.

"I'm a businessman," he whispers, leaning in close to Thomas. "Which means," he pulls back, "that I don't take unnecessary risks. So why should I trust you?"

"Because I can help you," Thomas answers. "You see," he continues, "if you can get me through those walls, I can get you what you need."

"And what is it," Lawrence asks softly, "that you think I need?"

"Time." Thomas doesn't break eye contact. "Every last drop."

Lawrence grunts, looking at the almost empty bag of blue fluid, then at Gally. "Is that what I need?"

Thomas still doesn't break eye contact. "WICKED is something we both want," he continues, and Lawrence nods.

"I'll tell you what," the diseased man says, "two can go for now. The rest stay here with me, just a little condition to make sure you come back."

I look around at the others, they all look pretty unsure.

"We have deal?" Lawrence asks, extending his hand. Thomas shakes it firmly. Lawrence grunts again. "Gally," he says, "show 'em the way."

The way, as it turns out, is an old sewer grate. We lean over the edge as Gally lowers a ladder into it, staring down at the blackness.

"Well obviously Thomas is going," Newt says, his arms folded, "and I should go with him."

"No." I cut in, my arms also folded. "Way too dangerous. What if you got caught?"

"Then who do you suggest?" he asks, and I roll my eyes.

"Me, of course."

"Yeah?" Newt steps towards me, "And what if you got caught?" I shrug, I don't really have an answer for that. "See, I'll go."

"No! I am not letting you go into that bloody city. I'm still the shuck leader, and I say you can't go."

"I hate to break it to you, (Y/N)," Newt says, "but we're not in the bloody Glade anymore. I'm going with Tommy into the city, and you can't stop me."

"Yes, I can."

"No, you can't."

"(Y/N)," Thomas interjects, "I think it would be better if Newt came."

"Oh," I say, turning to face him, "so now you're on his side?"

"What?" Thomas asks, "No! I'm just saying I think that Newt can handle things... more calmly, with less violence."

"Bloody hell," I say, I have the urge to punch a wall, but I know that will just prove his point. "I'm not violent, and I can handle things calmly." I protest, fully aware that I sound like a little kid.

"You are a little violent," Frypan adds cautiously, and I hold up a finger, shushing him.

"(Y/N)," Brenda says softly, "I know you want to protect the people you love, but I think they're right, Newt's more suited to this."

"I have to go, I can't risk them getting caught," I'm getting a little desperate at this point.

"I know," she says, "but they'll be ok. You need to trust them."

I hold her steady gaze for a moment, then look away. Deep down, I know she's right. "Ok," I take a shaky breath in, "sorry."

"It's alright," Thomas says, "we'll be fine."

"Yeah, (Y/N), we'll be ok," Newt adds, "we're coming back."

I nod.

"Great," Gally says, lowering himself into the hole, "we should get going then."

Newt sits down on a crate, tightening his shoelaces. I watch him, and notice with concern that his hand is shaking. He looks at it, stretching and squeezing it, then catches my worried look.

"I'm fine," he assures me, but I'm not too sure. He stands up, taking my hands in his.

"Don't die," I say bluntly, and he smiles.

"I'll try my hardest." He kisses me, just lightly, then pulls away, following Gally and Thomas down the hole.

WICKED games 3 (Newt x female reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now