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Sonya dabs at the blood on Aris's face with a cloth, clearing most of it away. He pulls back, and she stops, it's pretty much done anyway.

"Here," Harriet hands them a cup of tea each, "drink this."

"Took you long enough to rescue us," Aris smiles.

"Good to see you too, buddy." Thomas pats Aris's shoulder from his place on the floor. "What happened?" he looks from the other boy to me, then back.

"Fought back," Aris says, "or tried to."

"What about you? Same story?" Thomas asks me.

"This one," I touch my nose, feeling the bump in the middle, "yes. This one," I touch my head, "was when the train stopped and then when it started flying. These," I look at my wrists, "were me trying to stop them taking Minho. Obviously it didn't work," I add for clarification.

"You're lucky you found us at all," Sonya says, "they had us on the move a lot. It felt like something big was happening." Aris and I nod.

"Any idea where they were heading?" Newt asks.

"All I know," Aris says, "is that they kept talking about a city."

Newt looks at Thomas.

"I didn't think there were any cities left," Harriet frowns.

"That's because there aren't," We all turn to Brenda, who puts down the book she was reading, pushing off the wall and standing up. "Not still standing, anyway."

"What about Minho?" Thomas asks.

"I'm sorry," I say, "I tried. I really tried but they're bloody strong and I was tied up. We have to get him back."

"Yeah, we know," Newt says gently, "we know you tried and there's nothing you could have done."

"Get me a map," Thomas says, and Brenda throws a folded piece of paper to him. He spreads it on the floor, everyone leaning forwards. "Ok," he says, "the railways are here." They're marked in, thin black lines across the country.

"That means," I follow the lines with a finger, pointing to a dot on the map.

"Denver." Newt reads.

"That's gotta be it," Thomas says, "how long do you think you were in that train before we picked you up?"

"Couple of hours? None of us were really keeping time." Aris shrugs.

"We have to show Vince, get him to help us get Minho out."

"No." Vince says, "No way."

"It's only a couple hundred miles, based on the railways and what (Y/N), Aris and Sonya told us that's it." Thomas points to Denver. "That's where they're going, that's where they're taking Minho. We take everyone who can fight," he continues, "follow the roads where we can, we can make it back within a week."

"A week?" Vince looks at Thomas like he's crazy, "It took us eight months to get here." He points to our camp. "We've got over 100 kids here now, we can't just hang out here forever, after what we just pulled. You wanna wander off to some random point on the map? You don't even know what's there!"

"I do." We turn to see Jorge standing in the doorway. "It's been a few years," he continues, "but I've been there. The last city. That's what WICKED called it. It was their home-base of operations." Jorge walks around the table. "If that city is still standing," he says, "that's the last place you wanna go, hermano. That's the lion's den."

"That's nothing we haven't done before," Thomas argues.

"Yeah," Vince speaks again, "with months of planning, reliable information," I grunt, "and the element of surprise. None of which we have now."

"We've thought this through, would you just hear us out-"

"Hey!" Vince interrupts, "Last time we went out half-cocked, I lost everything! You remember that?" Thomas looks down at the table. "Look," he continues, "I know it's Minho. But you can't ask me to put those kids on the line for one man. I won't do it."

Crackling voices interrupt, and we all glance over to a small radio.

"Shit, get the lights!" Thomas runs for the lever, but Jorge gets there first.

Newt grabs my hand, pulling me aside while Thomas and Vince run out onto the beach. Overhead, we hear the sounds of chopper blades.

"Vince is right," I mutter, "we can't stay here." Newt grunts agreement.

"Ok," Newt addresses me and Frypan, "we know Thomas is an idiot, so he'll try to leave by himself. We just have to wait."

The pack on my back pulls on my hair, and I flip the stuff out from under it.

"Good to see you, by the way." I tell Frypan.

"Yeah, you too." He smiles at me.

"Shhhh." Newt points to a figure walking towards the parked cars. "Ok let's go."

We tiptoe around to the vehicle Thomas is heading for, quickly jumping in. Thomas is coming up the steel flight of stairs, I can hear him fiddling with his backpack.

"Where do you think you're going then?" Newt asks, flicking on a light. I roll my eyes.

Thomas sighs, his backpack swinging by his side. "Newt..." he says, but Newt cuts him off.

"Don't be a twat about it," he walks forward, "we're already in. Come on." He takes Thomas's bag, heading for the car.

"Wait a second," Thomas says, "we?" I lean forward from the back seat, waving, and Frypan does the same. "No," he shakes his head, "no not this time. Even if we find Minho," he continues, "there's no guarantee we'll make it back from this."

"Well, you'll need all the help you can get then, won't you?" Newt jumps up into the front seat. Thomas shakes his head and frowns.

"Come on," Newt says, "we started this together, may as well end it that way too."

Thomas hesitates, sighing. "Ok," he says, "let's go get him back."

I swing open the back door, and he jumps in beside me.

"Alright, go." I tell Frypan, who carefully navigates his way out. We only turn on the headlights after we're out.

WICKED games 3 (Newt x female reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now