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holy. shit. 

it's been two and a half years since I've updated and the Natural has 80k views. there are STILL new viewers, every. single. day. 

I was logged out of the email this account is under and it's been such a hassle to get back into it, so I'm so so sorry. 

I've gotten so many comments and DMs asking for updates. More than anything, I miss it. I had so much fun writing the first few chapters of this book and I have SO much more planned (it's ridiculous- spreadsheets and timelines and everything). I miss attempting to describe the images in my head and I miss the eloquence that came with it.

I'm not promising anything. I'm busy, and updates won't be frequent. But the next few chapters are written and the rest of the book (and most of the sequel, which I've been more excited about writing anyway) is planned. There are errors in the first few chapters that I want to sew up but my current plan is to add the new chapters before I work on restructuring the mess that's up (I hate how short the chapters are, for one). I'm not the author I once was, which is weird to say, but I think I've got a better grip on mature topics and I can't wait to delve back into writing. 

Anyways. Sorry this note was kinda all over the place, but I'm excited to be back.

Much love, bfbjg 

(god bless that username is embarrassing as hell)


9/25/23 update:

the first 11 chapters have been updated & fixed!! please comment if there are any spelling errors, etc. I only changed a few minor things but I mean, it's been three years, I'd recommend you re-read anyway. chapter 12 coming this afternoon. 

edit, 9/25 but later, 

Chapter 12 has been posted. Chapter 13 to be published later this week. Much love. 

The Natural {Divergent | Eric Coulter}Where stories live. Discover now