Part I: Chapter 12

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three years of waiting for a new chapter. i hope it's worth it. 

(a/n this was originally c14.)

Chapter 12

Dauntless cake is the greatest thing I've ever eaten. Eric's idea of a distraction from my endless bruises turned out to be an entire cake, a bucket of vanilla ice cream, and a jar of chocolate syrup. To be so incredibly fit, this man sure knows how to eat.

"How did the dauntless born fights go?"

"As expected. You did well."

My eyes lock onto my ice cream bowl. "My first loss," I mutter.

"As expected," He rolls his eyes, "You did well."

I groan. "The man of many words returns."

He smirks and takes another bite. "I showed the footage to Max."

"You did what?!"

"He agreed with me. Remember how I mentioned the tops of the classes would train for leadership?"

"Are you serious!? I got the shit beaten out of me and your first thought is leadership?" I've been here a little over a week, and I'm being considered to be train for leadership? Nothing's definite, but I've made my mark. I've caught the right eyes. Made a name for myself. Fuck yeah.

"You better get going." Eric finally says.

"Trying to get rid of me that quickly?"

"It's 7:30. You have training in 30 minutes stiff."

I look at him blankly for a second, "Eric Coulter did you just feed me ice cream and cake for breakfast?!" He barely catches my pillow before it hits him. "I'm going to puke my guts out!"

I'm met with a shit-eating grin when he finally lowers the pillow.

"You son of a bitch," I groan and stretch as I stand up. Damn, Four did a number on me. I know it's doubtful he'll tell me, but I can pester the shit out of him anyway, so I ask, "Who am I fighting today?"

"You've got to hurry. No fights today."

"And where are you going to be?"

"Since there are no fights, I've got some business to attend to."

Something tells me Eric has those two things backwards- we're not fighting because Eric won't be around. But nonetheless, I grab my stuff and get ready to leave.

"Ugh so what are we going to do with only Four? Sit in a circle and talk about our feelings?"

"Something like that. See you tomorrow stiff."

"Bye Eric!" I call from out the door.

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The training room looks completely different when I walk in. If it wasn't for Four and a few Dauntless borns hanging around, I would've thought I was in the wrong room. There are booths set up around the room- almost like stations- and each have a member or two manning them. They appear to have something to do with our careers. Thrilling.

I'm here to train, dammit. It's like in school when our teacher was sick and an Abnegation came in in her place and we had to do bookwork. But this isn't grade school, it's goddamn Dauntless, and I don't have time to waste just because Eric is busy.

Scanning the room, it's obvious I'm not the only one hurting. Four has a nasty black eye and an apparently broken nose. Damn, go me. As he turns, we lock eyes so I make my way over, fully prepared to give him a piece of my mind. Before I can open my mouth, Max pops out and interrupts me.

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