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"What kind of lame ass thing is that?" Jungkook froze at the voice, slowly turning.

"It's a drawing?"

"What, did a five year old do it?"

"Y-Yeah. In fact, one did." Jungkook muttered. The kid sneered at the trembling boy in front of him, staring at the drawing Jin-ho had made him, hanging from his locker proudly.

The kid reached over and suddenly grabbed it, yanking it from its place. Jungkook's eyes widened. "Hey! That isn't yours!"

"And What are you gonna do about it? Huh? Runt." Jungkook gasped as he was pushed into his locker, the boy walking away, the drawn picture crumpled in his hands. Jungkook didn't even know the kid, didn't even know his name, but Jungkook was often the target of random kids frustrations and cruelties.

Because as the boy had said, Jungkook was a 'runt'. Too weak to stand up for himself.

When in reality he was too good to hit them back, it wasn't worth it, and Jungkook had been around enough violence to understand that his fists wouldn't solve anything in life.

Jungkook refused to cry, not wanting the other kids to know his weakness, his pain. He was so, so angry at the kid for stealing his drawing, the little drawing that displayed he had some resemblance of a family. But he couldn't find it in himself to run after the kid and demand it back.

He was a coward.

The boy turned, clutching his books to his chest and walked to his next class, feeling depressed. He sat down in his seat and sighed, burying himself in notes and the lecture once the bell rang, trying not to think about the beautiful drawing Jinnie had given him, which was now probably in a trash can somewhere.

At the end of the day, Jungkook gathered up his things and exited the school, starting his walk towards the elementary school he volunteered at. Jimin had been kind enough to allow him to assist in the last lessons of class, which he would always be grateful for.

Jungkook loved kids, he wanted to be a teacher when he graduated, if it was even possible. Jungkook knew the reality of it, knew that he didn't have any money to even think about going to college, let alone if his father would even allow it. Jungkook had been saving up over the year, but his father always seemed to find his hidden stash, and suddenly it was gone, leaving the boy back at square one.

As he walked along the school courtyard, he felt an arm sling around his shoulders. He stiffened and turned, looking up at the boy who'd done it.

It was the same one from earlier, the one who'd stolen Jinnie's drawing from him. The boy was sneering down at him. "Hey, runt. Where ya going?"

"H-home." Jungkook lied.

"Really? I thought you went to that elementary school to hang out with your only friends." The other guys around the one hanging off of Jungkook laughed. "I wanted to give this back to you, so you could give it back to the horrible artist."

Jungkook gasped as the kid shoved the drawing into his chest, so hard that it knocked the wind out of him.

He slowly reached down, peeling the page from his chest, seeing it covered in food.

They'd thrown it in the cafeteria garbage.

"Trash, just like you."

"Are you calling my daughters drawings trash?" All of the boy's froze at the voice, Jungkook included. He turned slowly, his eyes widening at the appearance of Taehyung there, his arms crossed and an unimpressed look on his face.

"Your daughters?"

"Yes. The drawing you have just labeled as 'trash' was done by my daughter. I believe you also called her a horrible artist, which is not true, she's five, her abilities are more limited than yours. And referring to another human being as trash, might I add, is quite unclassy."

"Look, man, I don't know who you are, and frankly I don't give a fu—"

"Kim Taehyung."


"My name. You said you didn't know who I was, so I'm telling you. My name is Kim Taehyung. You're wearing my brand right now." Taehyung pointed to the kid's shirt, and sure enough, the logo for Kim Corp, more specifically his line, KT, was displayed on the corner of the shirt. "Please release Jungkook. You're touching him, when he obviously does not wish to be touched, and you've obviously hurt him. I believe he can press charges for assault if he wanted. I don't believe a kid like you wants that on their record, so close to graduating and getting into college." Taehyung gave the boy a tight lipped smile and the boys, the bullies, immediately walked away.

Jungkook looked down, ashamed. "Thank you." He said a little quietly.

"Don't let them walk all over you, Jungkook. You don't deserve that."

"I've tried." The boy sighed. "But most of the time it ends in violence, and I'm not inclined to such methods."

Taehyung nodded. "That's commendable of you. I just hate it that they treat you in such a way."

Jungkook shrugged. "I'm used to it."

"No one should get used to being treated like that."

"Why are you here?" Jungkook finally squeaked out, changing the subject.

"Ah. I got off of work early. Thought I would give you a ride to my daughter's school."

"But you'd have to come back later anyway—"

"I was just gonna get some early dinner. I'm meeting up with a friend, but it's on the way there. And he wouldn't mind waiting if the excuse was a cutie like you."

Jungkook felt himself blushing at the words. "Okay." He whispered softly. 

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