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Jungkook walked inside his home slowly. It was rather late. Later than he would've liked to return home, but the plus side was that when he entered the house, his father was already passed out on the couch.

The boy shoved the now empty McDonald's bag into his backpack, knowing he'd have to throw it out at school tomorrow.

It was the first time he'd eaten in days.

He made it to his room, stripping from his clothes and going to take a shower. While sitting underneath the stream of water, he couldn't help but let his mind wander to a certain man and little girl. He felt himself blushing at the thought.

The man, Taehyung, had been kind. He seemed like the perfect dad. He was well off, Jungkook could tell, he had a beautiful child, and probably had a beautiful wife as well. Jungkook imagined their family, how perfect it must be. How loving Taehyung was to his daughter, taking her to school everyday and picking her up. Letting her decide where to eat, even if it was pure trash you put in your body.

His wife was probably beautiful and kind, too, someone befitting of a man like Taehyung. Probably smart, a doctor maybe, which was why she couldn't ever come and pick up Jin-ho with her hours.

Jungkook felt his heart clench. His chest burned with jealousy.

He wanted that.

Wanted a family like that. He didn't want to live in the broken household that he did, scared to even ask for food, scared to even go to school because then he would have to leave the safe confines of his room.

If you could even call it safe.

Jungkook had long forgotten what the word family meant. What the word home meant. His mother had run off a couple of years ago, leaving Jungkook behind with his drunk of a father who could never keep a job. Who blamed Jungkook for everything, and often used a fist to show it.

Someone like Taehyung would never hit his daughter. Would never even think about it. Someone like Taehyung wouldn't drink every night until he passed out, or bring random women home who would try and sneak into his child's room at night and touch them. Taehyung wouldn't ever lose five jobs in the last two months for showing up late or drunk. He wouldn't ever let his child starve or beat him when he asked for food.

Jungkook wanted to feel safe.

He just wanted a family, people who would love him. He wanted a future, a bright and happy future. He wanted kids, he wanted to be a teacher and be around kids all day. And when he came home, he wanted to come home to a loving family, a loving husband who would envelope him in kisses and tell him how much he loved him. And a child, waiting to do the same. Maybe a dog.

Yeah, Taehyung seemed the type to have a dog.

Jungkook turned the shower off, sighing. His imaginary family was starting to look awfully like a certain handsome blonde and a five year old girl. He couldn't, it was not only illegal, since he wasn't even eighteen yet, but Taheyung would never see him like that. He was a married man, with a beautiful wife and a beautiful daughter and a perfect family, a perfect life.

He didn't need faggot Jungkook with a drunk, beating father impeding on that.

Yet one thought over powered all of those.

Taehyung hadn't been wearing a ring.


Jungkook walked over to the elementary school as soon as the final bell of the day rang. He walked into the elementary school and signed himself in like he did everyday at the front desk, happily waving at the woman sitting behind it. She smiled and waved as well as Jungkook made his way towards Jimin's room, knocking before entering.

He instantly smiled as at least five kids ran to him, hugging his legs and greeting him in happy squeals. Jimin was smiling at his arrival, beckoning him over. "Jin-ho made something for you, today." The teacher said proudly.

"Really?" Jungkook knelt beside the girl and smiled, waiting for her to present what she had made. Jimin walked away to go and attend to some other kids, knowing that Jin-ho was safe with Jungkook.

"Yeah! Look! It's a picture of you, me and Daddy!" She giggled and held out the drawing. Jungkook took it, his eyes wide. He smiled shyly at her, feeling his cheeks heat up.

"T-Thank you, Jinnie. It's beautiful. I'll make sure to put it in my locker at school so that everyone can see it." The girl smiled, as if proud of herself. "What about your Mommy?" Jungkook asked hesitantly, looking down at the drawing.

"I don't have a Mommy. She dies when I was younger. Daddy doesn't talk about her much, but that's okay. I only need Daddy! He gives me all the love I want! But...Jungkookie does, too." Jungkook giggled.

"Jinnie, we've talked about the honorifics." Jungkook scolded lightly. "It's rude to just casually address your elders. And second of all, your Daddy gives you all the love you need. Besides, you've only known me for three days."

"But I love Jungkookie!" Those words spiked through Jungkook heart and he felt himself smiling wider than he ever had before. He brought the little girl in for a hug, but a throat being cleared interrupted the moment.

Jungkook turned, blushing when he saw Taehyung towering over the two of them. "What am I? Invisible?" He teased lightly. "I came in and you didn't even notice me."

"Daddy!" Jin-ho giggled happily, clutching onto her father as he picked her up. Taehyung smiled and greeted her, turning to Jungkook.

"Need a ride home?"

"Ah, no!" Jungkook quickly waved his hands. "I'm okay, really Mr. Kim."

"Hyung. We established this already."

"H-Hyung, right. But I have to stay with the other kids, and Mrs. Eun always picks up her son at five thirty. She's usually the last one, if you're not running late, and I'm sure you have somewhere to be—"

"Hmmm..." Taehyung nodded slowly. "Well, then...we'll be seeing you later then?"

"Y-Yeah. Bye Jinnie. H-Hyung."

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