"Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu." Raabel entered. She looked pale too. "Do you need anything dear?" She asked Sidra, who was looking alarmed.

"No not at all. I am fine." Sidra replied a little too quickly.

Raabel settled herself beside Sidra though and picked her hand up. She began to clip her nails, which had grown and had dirt in them. Sidra looked more uncomfortable by the second and Daarim felt like crying. He bit his lips.

"I will see you later woman!" He said gruffly.

"No wait here!" Sidra exclaimed in alarm. She didn't want to stay alone with Raabel.

"I really need to go Sidr." Daarim told her and felt upset at her expression. But he couldn't stay there for a moment more. He would cry and that didn't exactly suit the manly Daarim, did it? He walked away leaving her with Raabel.

"Why are you so worried to be left alone with me? Scared that I will harm you?" Raabel questioned half in amusement and half in disappointment. This little princess of her's wanted to escape from her presence and that just didn't appeal to her. But as she watched Sidra she understood what everyone meant when they spoke of her.

"Scared about you harming me? No not at all. I trust my Rabb to keep me safe. He have never put me in jeopardy without teaching me important lessons and even in the future, He would never let me get harmed. And when I trust the best of the Protectors to keep me safe, then how can I be scared of His creation, who comes under his reign? You misunderstand me." Sidra replied. The tight feeling that had constricted her throat tightened more but this time in happiness. Wallahi this girl before her was Hareem's daughter all right. Her tawakkul and bravery were definitely the only inheritance her parents had left for her from their vast empire. What they couldn't give her was love... Raabel had heard everything from outside and her heart had shattered at Sidra's words. Allah... why hadn't she searched some more for their princess? Why hadn't she scoured every nook and corner of this world to bring her daughter back? Her Siham had longed and ached for a hug from a mother and here two mothers had awaited for her to sooth their hearts with her presence. What game had destiny played with them? She had thirsted for the air to play with her face as her father threw her high up and caught her in his arms, and a father had prayed for ages for her birth, only for her to go missing soon after she was named. Their happiness had dispersed as soon as it had arrived and Raabel had stood in the ashes of the past and longed for this girl who had by Allah's will, turned to a woman they all had wanted to mould her into by their love, but she had become that all on her own. The plethora of feelings clashing in her soul confused her on whether she should bow down in sujood at His SWT's nurturing ways or to cry to the heavens for depriving Siham of the love she deserved. Her heart was breaking too hard. Sidra watched as Raabel watched her tearfully. "Why do you watch me like that?" She enquired softly, gently. Raabel sighed.

"Like how?" She questioned.

"Like you are blaming yourself for something. Like something dreadful had happened but you are unsure of whether to cry or laugh." Sidra replied. Raabel smiled slightly.

"Now I know why they say you are one of the most amazing woman our there. Nothing hides from your eyes?" She joked. Sidra blushed.

"You are wrong again. I just cannot help but observe you. You are wearing your emotions on the sleeve for me and I can't seem to understand why."

"Why do you need to understand that? Why don't you just accept it?"

"A practical stranger is behaving like I am the only thing that matters. Someone other than Jibreel is behaving that way and I cannot just accept it." Sidra replied.

"Why is it that Jibreel's feelings doesn't make you question them?" Raabel asked partly out of genuine curiosity and partly because she wanted to change the topic from her feelings.

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