Chapter 37

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I don't think I slept that night. I lay beside Draco, who had his arms around me and had fallen fast asleep as soon as we'd got back to our dorm. I watched my beautiful silver ring shimmering in the moonlight, wondering if I was dreaming - even though I'd already asked Draco to pinch me seven times since he proposed.

I hadn't been expecting it at all, but now that it had happened, I wanted to relive the moment all over again. I quietly slipped out of bed and sat at the desk beside my bed, writing a letter by the light of the moon streaming through the window.

Dear Harry and Ron,

You'll never guess what's happened. It's almost hard to put it into words. Tonight was the post-N.E.W.Ts ball, and of course I went with Draco.
After the ball, he proposed. And I said yes. And I speak more to Ron than Harry when I say this - DON'T. FREAK. OUT.

I look forward to seeing you guys soon - the end of the year is coming fast and we've had such a crazy year. Wish you were here!

Lots of love,


I sighed and sealed the letter in an envelope before slipping out of our room and skipping down to the Owlery, the freezing cold stones bouncing against my bare feet. I found the usual owl, handed it to him, and out he flew, looking a little ruffled after having just woken up, apparently.

I traipsed back into the castle and snuggled back against Draco's warm body, falling asleep quickly and easily.


The next morning, I woke to the sounds of an owl's beak tapping on the window. Draco was still fast asleep, so I nudged him awake playfully and tentatively opened the window, paid the owl, and took the sealed letter from its claws, addressed to me.

A little cautiously, I opened it alongside Draco - after explaining to him, in his exhausted state, that I'd already written to Harry and Ron. He only yawned in response and slipped his arm around me. I rolled my eyes.

To Hermione,

This is Harry writing. After Ron had stopped screaming (that's a joke), we all decided we were really happy for you! You can tell Malfoy that although he's an absolute arse, he's pretty much perfect for you. Also, you can tell him that if he ever mistreats you, he'll have me, Ron and the entire Department for Magical Law Enforcement to answer to.
Ginny's already written and told Mr and Mrs Weasley. Apparently, they're thrilled, and Molly started crying and saying how Malfoy was a wonderful young man. I beg to differ.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy your last few days at school. I'd give anything to come back. Work's pretty good at the moment, it's not all paperwork! See you soon 'Mione.



I smiled happily and showed Draco the letter, who grimaced.

"Bloody Weasley --" he began. I silenced him with a glare and he smirked, kissing my forehead. "I love you."

"I love you too," I grinned. I yawned widely, checking the time anxiously. "It's Saturday, isn't it?"

Draco nodded. "Or, as I like to call it, go and tell all your friends you're engaged day."

I laughed. "Pretty much the whole school knows, Draco. They were all there last night." I squinted at him, and giggled. "Were you really that drunk?"

Draco's eyes widened playfully and he shrugged. "Who knows!" He cried, jumping out of bed and pulling me with him. "But now I have a fiancee to look after." I stood on my tiptoes and kissed his nose, which instantly flushed rosy pink.

"Yes, yes you do!" I agreed, looking at him in our mirror as he rested his chin on my head and swung my arms around. "I think we should go to Hogsmeade today. It's our last few days at school. I want to make them worthwhile."

"Aren't they already worthwhile?" Asked Draco, bending over  his wardrobe as we hastily dressed. "We've danced, we've kissed - I've proposed, for God's sake! What more do you want?"

I giggled. "A visit to Hogsmeade, doofus. Come on, get dressed. The gates shut at eleven o'clock. People are already going."

Draco, once fully clothed, followed me downstairs to breakfast, where we sat, like always, with Ginny and Luna. Blaise wandered over to the Gryffindor table and sat beside Draco. I wondered if we'd be scolded for having people of three different houses on one table, but for once it seemed that the rules were pretty lax, these last few days. Everybody was sitting with who they liked, and there were petals scattered over the tables.

"Last few days," sighed Blaise. "What are you all doing?"

"We're going to Hogsmeade," I said brightly, squeezing Draco's hand under the table. "What about you?"

"Oh, we'll come too then," answered Ginny briskly, kissing Luna's cheek. She went bright red and giggled a little. Her hair was back to its usual length, and all her makeup was gone. Although she looked beautiful with it, I decided I definitely preferred her without. She wasn't Luna if she looked like a doll.

Blaise winced. "Detention with McGonagall."

Draco widened his eyes. "Seriously?" He asked. "How?"

"I was talking in her class yesterday," explained Blaise, rolling his eyes, "and she was like, oh, you can do the work next Saturday, Mr Zabini," he added, in a very McGonagall-esque voice that even the Transfiguration teacher herself would have been proud of.

Draco sighed. "You absolute --"

"Draco," I warned lightly. Draco flushed bright pink and bit his lip, grinning widely.


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