Chapter 31

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Hermione's POV:

I woke up with my head aching like crazy. At first I thought I hadn't opened my eyes, it was so dark. Then I started to blink, and saw a flickering candle stood in the corner of what appeared to be a damp, dreary cellar. Where the heck was I?

The last thing I remembered...what was it? I definitely remembered seeing Draco at breakfast, and him and his Slytherin friends looking over at me. Yes. I remember thinking that they all looked really cute. Then I told Ginny I was feeling kind of sick, so I went and told Professor McGonagall just before the bell.

After that - I wasn't really sure. I went up to my dorm room, I think - that must have been what she told me to do. Then I was sure I'd fallen asleep. Maybe I hadn't. But I hadn't been conscious since then. Now I was awake in somebody's cellar, and it didn't feel like Hogwarts.

My heart started to race. Where was I? How could somebody have taken me from Hogwarts? It was supposed to be safe. Nobody could have gotten into my dorm and physically taken me out of the castle, right? I thought logically. No. I was definitely still in Hogwarts. But where?

I heard the clinking of metal up above and huddled myself up into a ball. Light bobbed up and down from a staircase and I heard loud footsteps approaching. Holding my breath, I moved closer to the light and looked up at the man standing above me. He had white-blond hair, a slightly scarred face, and a twisted smirk on his face.

Lucius bloody Malfoy.

"Hermione Granger," he purred, smirking. He bent down and fitted a pair of handcuffs around my thin, worn wrists, that instantly dug sharply into my skin. I winced, but tried not to let him see. "It's a pleasure to see you again. Welcome to Malfoy Manor. I think you've been before."

He hauled me up the steps and into the blinding light of the drawing room, which I remembered all too well. My eyes were fixed on the spot where I'd lain almost a year ago, the word 'mudblood' carved into my skin. Three death eaters stood around the fireplace, and Narcissa Malfoy was seated in an armchair beside them. I couldn't help thinking that she looked uncomfortable. Like she didn't want to see this.

"What do you want?" I asked roughly, as Lucius shoved me into one of the chairs by the fire. I ground the handcuffs together in the hopes that this would loosen them, but it only made them tighter. I looked around for my wand, but remembered that it was probably still down in the cellar. Ugh! I was so stupid.

"We want you to stay away from Draco," answered Lucius firmly, bending over me and glaring at me. He took a chair beside his wife and nodded curtly to the three death eaters, who left the room. "It was you who convinced him to go to the Weasleys' home this Christmas, was it not?"

"Yes," I answered defiantly. "Why shouldn't he be allowed to do what he wants, and be with who he wants? I'm just like you, and him!"

"Not quite," replied Lucius, his smile twisting. "You are not a pure blood, Miss Granger. You are a mudblood, as I'm sure dear Bella kindly reminded you upon your last visit." I winced and my eyes drifted to my left forearm, which I rubbed unconsciously. But I didn't want it to look like they were getting to me, so I locked eyes with Lucius and nodded.

"So, when we return you to Hogwarts," he said curtly, "You will stay strictly away from my son. You will not talk to my son. And if you do..." He paused. "We have somebody at Hogwarts to keep you in line."

"Who?" I snapped. "Who would want to follow orders from you?"

"Think, Miss Granger, think," said Lucius smoothly. "Somebody who is just perfect for Draco. Somebody who should be in your place. Somebody who has their own means of getting back to Hogwarts."

I gasped. "But...Pansy..." I breathed, my mind reeling. "How...she was expelled! How is she inside the castle? How has nobody found her?"

"I would have thought you could have guessed that, Miss Granger," replied Lucius. "Polyjuice potion - I believe you dabbled in it in what was your - oh, second year? You believed Draco was the heir of Slytherin." He laughed cruelly. "I assure you, Miss Parkinson's cause is far greater than yours."

"Which is what?" I returned quickly.

"She keeps you in line," started Lucius, "and, in return, she will marry Draco when the school year is up. Of course, she was all for the idea. So, we bought a little Polyjuice, and with the few hairs that you'd left behind upon your last visit," he smirked, "Created a more perfect Hermione Granger, who was swapped for you once you retreated upstairs to your chambers. It was the perfect moment to take you from your room and send Miss Parkinson to your lessons."

"And when do I go back?" I asked.

"," smirked Lucius. He snapped his fingers.

I blinked. I was in my bed. In the dorm Draco and I shared. And I was never supposed to talk to him again. But how could Pansy walk around, pretending to be me - monitoring me? What was going to happen? And where on earth was Draco?

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