Chapter 8

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ok warning tiem
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh slight abuse and sexual assault ig
don't worry it doesn't go too far but uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yeah
it's slightly alabama okkkkk i'm sorry
This chapter might sound retarded but that's because i'm writing this at 1am fuhehhhhhhhhhhhhhuuuierhiureiohfeohfhfohfuuhhhfihufeihuf
The last chapter was third person POV i guess and i didn't check for errors
I know that cus I reread part of it and saw two mistakes
fuck it i'm gonna do this one in third person
Once everybody had left, Germany's father turned to him; he looked so angry he was sure there was a tiny bit of fire in his eyes. Germany looked at him with fear in his eyes, expecting him to say something. After a minute or two, he broke the silence. "F-father..?" Third knelt down to Germany's level, slightly hovering over him, looking at his son with a sorry and forgiving face. "I'm sorry for making all your friends leave, Son." he said, sadly. "I-it's okay. I shouldn't have listened to t-their dare anyw-ways.." Germany replied with relief in his voice. Third put his finger over Germany's lip, telling him to be silent. "Shh. I know you children do dumb things sometimes, and sometimes we have to let them slide or we'd be beating your asses every three miliseconds." Germany let out a small sigh of relief. "But..This time is an exception." Germany looked at his father with confusion. "W-what do you mean?" was all Germany could mutter out before his father got up and dragged him up to his room by the arm. "What are you doing, F-father?!" Germany shouted. "Punishment." Third replied coldly, throwing Germany onto his bed. Germany was about to get up and run, when Third pulled a knife out of his pocket, waving it around a little bit. "I wouldn't do anything if I were you." Third said whilst holding the knife up. Germany just looked at his father in disbelief. Third looked at Germany with a slightly kinder face, and asked him curiously. "What did you see on my phone?" "..J-just some weird messages between you and Soviet.." "Mhm..I see. Are you sure you didn't see anything else?" "Ja." (Yes.) "I don't believe you. Are you positive you saw nothing else?" "Ja, I didn't see anything else." Third walked up to the bed, sitting on the end of it. "Well you aren't very convincing...So I'm gonna make sure you're telling the truth..." Germany raised an eyebrow confusedly. Third pounced on top of Germany, taking some rope out of his pocket and tying Germany's arms to the bedframe and taking his phone from his pocket. (The sides of the bed at the beginning and end have like poles, uhh I don't think most beds have them but yeah) Germany tried to kick Third away, but his attempts were futile as Third jumped away before Germany actually hit him. "Agressive, I see...This will be fun." "What are you going to do to me, Father?!" Third got really close to Germany's face. "...You'll find out, Son."
CRINGE AlaBAMA WARNING IT DOESN'T GO TOO FAR BUT U CAN SKIP IF U LIKE, I'll sum up everything that happened.
Just find the next part boxed off by -'s

Third undid Germany's belt, discarding it onto the floor. Germany tried to kick Third away, but again failed. (By the way I'm changing their ages again- they're all gonna be between 15 and 16 ok because uhhhh it doesn't feel right to make this sortta shit happen to a 13yr old, not that it's ok to do this to anyone but Y A K N O W) Third then took Germany's trousers off, Germany now slightly panicking. Third was about to remove Germany's boxers, but he started screaming to get someone's attention to maybe stop his father. Third just slapped Germany for this, and Germany stopped screaming, but now crying. Third was about to attempt taking Germany's boxers again when the door rung. Third sighed, got up, and walked out the room, and muttered "Make a single noise and you're dead." to Germany before exiting. He tried to make himself look as normal as possible as he opened the door, to be greeted by Britain.

Ok y'all safe. Basically Third ATTEMPTED to unconsented fricky Germany but Britain hurt his screaming and came to save the day.
Is it a bird? Is it a plane? NO, IT'S FUCKING ENGLAND! (sorry I love that "COME TO FUCKING ENGLAND!" meme and I know that the UK isn't just England)
(UK) "Hello, chap." "Hello, Britain." "What's going on in there? I heard screaming.." "Oh, that? Germany just uh, hurt his foot on the edge of a table leg." "Mhm..." Britain thought for a second. "Could I see Germany? I think I know how I could stop his foot from hurting." "Uh, he said he was going to sleep. I think he's already in his room." "I don't care, it would actually be better to treat him while he's asleep so when he wakes up it won't hurt as much." "But-" Third was interrupted by Britain entering the house, walking upstairs to Third's room. He didn't even bother to ask if it was Germany's, and as he opened the door he looked at Germany with confusion. "B-Britain?!" was all Germany could bother to say. "Germany, what are you doing?" Before Germany could speak, Third went up behind Britain trying to knock him out with a frying pan, Britain stepping out of the way before he did. He turned to Third. "Old chap, what the hell are you doing?" Third's facial expression was screaming 'Oh shit', and he ran off, dropping the frying pan as he fled. Britain untied Germany and handed him his discarded trousers, before questioning what happened. After Germany explained, and put his trousers back on, Britain offered he stay at his house for a while. Germany accepted, as he knew his father would probably be back to cause chaos. Germany packed all his important things like underwear, his laptop, and his phone. And toothbrushes. (no clue what else a boy would need, I'm a girl soo) Britain and Germany entered Britain and France's house, France questioning why Germany was with him. "Why is Germany with you? And why has he got bags with him?" She pointed at the bag Germany packed. "He's staying with us for a while. Some...Problems with his father." France then stopped asking questions, understanding what Britain meant. Britain took Germany upstairs, knocking on America's door. "America? Can I come in?" "Sure, dad." Britain walked in, Germany standing outside the door. "Come in, Germany." Germany shyly stepped in the room, weakly waving at America. "Oh, hey Germany!" "Hey, America." Britain looked at America, and asked him a question. "Is it alright if Germany shares that bunkbed with you?" he pointed at the empty bottom bunk that Canada used to use. "Yeah, sure. I don't mind." "Thank you, son." Britain exited the room. "Make yourself at home, knowing your dad you'll be here for a while until he's not a threat." "Thank you, Britain." Germany quietly said before Britain left down the stairs and made some tea. Germany sat on the beanbag chair in the corner of the room, spacing out. He eventually fell asleep, America noticing. America lifted Germany onto the bed, extremely surprised at how lightweight and thin Germany felt. He thought it might've just been him overworking and forgetting to eat, he'd lecture him about that tomorrow. He climbed up onto his bed, and fell asleep, still feeling guilty about leaving Poland to fall victim to the hands of Cyprus.

dONE. i wrote this at 3am.

There's a pattern i see. I only write at gOD KNOWS what time because I have little motivation and my weird ass tired brain only comes up with shit at 4am when I'm checking EVERY. GODDAMN. FILE. on my computer to find some hidden game I might've forgotten downloaded. anyways i hope you enjoyed lol

sorry it seems kinda short

Bye, my pretties! ~Ellie

1330 words uwu

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