Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


If you don't want to read me ranting about how I'm scared that they're giving us one year to study German and 2 for French and we have to do GCSE's on one but I wanna do German but my memory is shit, SKIP this part-

right I'm gonna be doing chapters more often (I probably already said this) since my Minecraft isn't working and I can't contact any of my online friends, as they don't use Wattpad (I probably scared them off, with my ranting on about fanfics and whatnot, let's say my taste in fanfics is not...Favourable by many people I know. 'omg like Germany just boofed the UK and raped him in this fanfic'is not a phrase my friends enjoy, I suppose I shouldn't rant on about wattpad being the literal meaning of 'That side of the internet that you heavily question'- Also yes the UK being raped by Germany was something that happened in a fanfic I read. It's scary how much I can remember fanfics but can't remember what the absolute fuck my French teacher teaches me. Oh boyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy next year will be a hard year in language lessons, we have to learn German at the same time as French- [screaming in the inability to remember more than one word/phrase in other languages, also screaming in the fact that my friends got me to slap the back of another friend's head probably speaks Russian and now thinks I'm a complete dunce. I guess I just wasn't supposed to be the one and shout at him in Russian, butchering the pronunciation infront of a ton of people, at-least one of them who kid who somehow got pulled into slapping a friend and shouting 'sOOKA blOYAT' at him after watching Sad sister sadistic Slav with some friends, and then being pulled into the abyss that is called 'Slav compilations', since my friend told me about those too but didn't show us any so I had to search it myself and now every so often I get videos on my recommended of Russian people doing funny things, I love youtube's way of recommending videos – Watch u4o853985048095840 videos on a certain subject? nAHHH. Watch one video about Slavs doing dumb shit? Yooo have like 39939494985948954 other videos of this, AND somebody running Minecraft servers as a communist dictator!! And yes, that exists, I'm searching through my recommended and I just see 'Running a Minecraft server like a communist dictator' Oh and quite a few USSR memes. The occasional memes about WWII since I watch history memes because they actually include things other than king Henry this king Edward that OH ALSO I got the prized video of Matpat explaining how and why Mario is a communist, the good old theory days where it wasn't Austin screaming about Fallout, but instead it was why videogame characters are somehow communists] this section is so long I'm sorry I have nobody to rant on about shit to, I bet I already bored y'all off, but if you actually like me ranting on about shit you can maybe suggest I just do a whole page ranting about things I never get to talk to people about because they walk away the moment I mention shit about countries – wHY DOES NOBODY I KNOW IRL WANT TO LISTEN TO ME RANTING ON ABOUT HOW THIRD REICH FUCKS USSR IN A FaNFIC? Y'all have school lessons on how these two kids, one German and one Jew and the Jew is stuck behind a fucking fence because they're Jew and one of the main fucking characters is indirectly Hitler, but they don't specifically say it's him because obviously the 9yr old main character didn't understand the word he was being called you should be very well inclined to listen to me rant on about countries fucking eachother, mERE SWINES. Also, may I mention the kid in the story is German but mistakes the word for an English word. That's 200IQ as the kid clearly states that they're speaking in German and never mention any knowledge of English, assuming by what the kid said the speech is probably meant to be German but was written in English because of-course, it's an English book that is actually used in English lessons. Interesting amirite?

Basically, why can't they handle me talking about the world wars reimagined as sex if they can read whole books and write inferences and all that shit about them and the book is about the damn wars, hUH?

Shit I just realised I turned the currently 777-word chapter into 1.4k words because I have nobody to rant to)

America's POV

'Help me...'Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora