Chapter 1

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Okay, I decided to start the fanfic today!~ I'm bad at writing, please don't attack me, I'll try do use good grammar 'n' stuff, try to enjoy my short and lousy book, please. ._.

Also, I'm terrible at starting chapters, so expect the first sentence or two to be cringy as all fuck.

~ Germany's POV. ~

I was sleeping peacefully, "zzz.." "Germany, get your ass up!" my Dad screeched, as it was 7:30 on a school morning. "Jeez, jeez, I'm up, Dad!!" I said sleepily, sitting up to look at him with an annoyed look. "Why did you wa-" "It's the first day of school, get ready Germany!!!" he interrupted, quite rudely. He walked out of my room, closing the door and telling me to get ready once more to make sure I heard. I lazily got up out of bed and walked over to my wardrobe to get some clothes. I picked out a casual white shirt, a dark blue tie, and some jeans. I put them on and walked out of my room, still half asleep.

I walked to the kitchen, picking up a piece of toast that was on the table (On a plate, of course) and eating it. I said bye to my Dad and left to go to school.

(Ayy...Gonna try finishing it, finally!~)

I quickly hurried to the bus-stop, even though I was at least ten minutes early. I sat on the seat and waited, taking a book out of my bag and reading it from where I had left my bookmark.

~ America's POV ~

I was running to the bus-stop while chasing my sister, Canada, as she had stolen my sunglasses just as we exited our house. I was shouting at her to give my sunglasses back, as she's quite clumsy at times and most likely will drop my sunglasses. Just as I caught up with her, what do you know? She falls and drops my glasses. They, coincidentally, shatter upon impact with the floor, and I quietly growl at her angrily. "...Canada!!! My sunglasses!!!" "Wow...Nice to know my brother doesn't care about whether his sister is okay." Canada said sarcastically.

"Ohh yeah right. I'll care about how you are once I have a pair of glasses that haven't been broken by you." "Eh. Have it your way then, 'Meri." She stood up, passed me the broken pair of glasses, and skipped to the bus-stop. I put the glasses in my pocket, and sat down on the bench at the bus-stop, next to this kid who was reading a book. His flag was black, red, and yellow, but I don't know who he is. Or she. I looked at them for a second, trying to maybe identify who they were but to no avail. I ended up just staring at something on my phone, as one of my favourite YouTubers uploaded.

~ Germany's POV ~

I was halfway through a page of my book, when this kid whose flag was red and white striped, with a blue area in the corner filled with stars, sat next to me. I noticed him slightly look at me for a second, but mostly ignored it as he most likely was trying to see if he knew me. I saw him take out his phone and decided to ignore him and carry on reading.

A few minutes later, the bus arrived. As I put my book away and got up to go on the bus, about ten other children came dashing over as if they were waiting to ambush those who were already there. I ended up getting pushed around a bit, as I was most definitely on the shorter side compared to most of the other children. I ended up getting on the bus, sitting on a random seat, next to this small child whose flag was red and white.


Finally...Finished- Sorry it's short, and like, hardly anything happens, just wanted to finish it finally so nobody gets mad that it was a half-completed even more boring chapter!!

I hope you...Enjoyed this worthless piece of 'art'.

Anyways~ Have a beautiful day, try to do something good, and remember you're not worthless!

Ellie, Out!

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