"Excuse me sir would you like to get a cup of water?"
The nurse asked Hongjoong when she saw how panicked he was.

"Yes please"
Hongjoong answered and the nurse nodded.

She walked away got a cup of water and went back to Hongjoong.

"There you go"
The nurse said and Hongjoong quickly grabbed it.

"Are you feeling better?"
The nurse asked.

"Yes thank you"
Hongjoong said before standing up to walk over to Seonghwa.

"How are you feeling baby?"
Hongjoong asked.

"Okay I guess, they gave me this hospital gown"
Seonghwa said and pointed at the gown.

"Aren't you going to put it on?"
Hongjoong asked.

"Yeah I'm just want to take a shower first"
Seonghwa replied.

Hongjoong helped Seonghwa to the bathroom and stood by his side the whole time.

He started to calm down a bit but was still very nervous when Seonghwa got very bad contractions.

"I'm so proud of you you're doing amazing"
Hongjoong said as he rubbed Seonghwa's back.

Was all he could let out.

After the shower Hongjoong helped Seonghwa get dresses I to that beautiful hospital gown.

Seonghwa also got new underwear with the biggest pad in case he would leak more water.

Once Seonghwa was laid on the bed the nurse checked over him and he also got an oxygen mask and a lesson on how to use it properly.

The nurse left them alone after awhile and Seonghwa couldn't decide if he wanted to lay down, sit up, stand up or walk around so the couple spent at least 30 minutes going through those things.

As hours passed Seonghwa's contractions got worse and worse he was now laying on the hospital bed and had just gotten his epidural shot.

What the nurse didn't tell him was the extreme butt cramps the shot would give you afterwards.

(I heard people say that after getting an epidural shot you get very bad butt cramps and it feels like you'll explode so yeah I just added that)

"It feels like I need to poop"
Seonghwa said feeling a bit embarrassed for some random reason.

"No it's just the shot don't worry I promise you"
The nurse said.

"But I really have to go"
Seonghwa said and Hongjoong helped him up.

"No Seonghwa please lay back down"
The nurse said.

"But then I'll just pee"
He said.

"Okay fine BUT you're not allowed to push it's very dangerous"
The nurse said and Seonghwa nodded.

Once he got to the bathroom he sat down on the toilet and tried to push only to realize that it was nothing so he stood up flushed the toilet and walked out.

Hongjoong stood up and helped Seonghwa back to bed and after that they just had a nice talk waiting for the baby to be ready.

About an hour later it was finally time to push.

Seonghwa's legs were placed on two white leg holders Hongjoong stood on his left side and the nurse foxed her last things before the doctor walked inside.

"I'm nervous"
Seonghwa said.

"There is nothing to worry about you'll do so good"
The nurse said.

Seonghwa quickly grabbed Hongjoong's hand and Hongjoong rubbed comfortingly circles on it.

"Okay Seonghwa on your next contraction I want you to give me a big push"
The doctor said and Seonghwa nodded.

When the machine made a beeping sound telling them that the contraction started Seonghwa started to push as hard as he could.

When getting the shot he though that it would take away all the pain but obviously it only took away the contractions.

"Very good take some deep breaths and wait for the next one"
The doctor said and Seonghwa nodded.

"You're doing so great baby"
Hongjoong said and gave Seonghwa a lovable kiss on the forehead.

"Okay come one push, push, push"
The doctor said and Seonghwa did just that.

"Oh~ it's hard"
Seonghwa said as he felt the strong pain from getting extremely stretched out.

"Very good come on puuuushhh"
The doctor said again.

"AH~ ngnn… ah w-wait"
Seonghwa groaned.

"You're doing so good baby come on"
Hongjoong said trying to cheer Seonghwa up.

"Very good the head is coming"
The doctor said with a smile.

And just like that the head started crowning.

Seonghwa screamed.

Seonghwa cried out.

"Shh you're doing so amazing Hwa I'm so proud of you it's not that much left you can do it"
Hongjoong said and placed a cold towel on Seonghwa's forehead.

After pushing for another hour Seonghwa was almost at the point of passing out and so they had to call in two more nurses to keep him awake.

"I-I'm tired Joongie"
Seonghwa let out.

"I know baby I know but it's only a bit more you have to stay awake and push"
Hongjoong said.

The machine then made the annoying beeping sound for the hundred time and Seonghwa pushed again.

And with that final push the baby finally came out.

"It's a girl"
The doctor cheered and Seonghwa just started to smile tears streaming down none stop.

One of the nurses took off Seonghwa's hospital gown and their newborn were placed on his chest.

"O-omg Seonghwa she's here she's finally here"
Hongjoong cried as he saw his beautiful daughter for the first time.

She still cried but the cries stopped after Hongjoong cut the cord and the doctor dried her and wrapped her into a pink towel.

After that the doctor had to stitch Seonghwa a bit since he got torn up a bit but Seonghwa was too tired to care and just looked at his daughter and also Hongjoong.

I hope you liked this chapter 🌼
Also don't forget requests are open please check out the request chapter for more info.

! I don't accept any requests in other chapters!

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