As another painful contraction came Yeosang closed his eyes tightly as tears fell from his eyes.

Was all he could let out as Seokjin walked inside

"Shh in through your nose out through your mouth"
Seokjin said as he helped Yeosang to steady his breathing.

"Would you like to get an oxygen mask? It's pain relief in it"
Seokjin said and Yeosang quickly nodded his head eyes still closed shut.

Seonghwa hugged Yeosang while rubbing his back in order to help him relax and after awhile the contraction was over.

"That one was very painful"
Yeosang said as he dried his tears away.

Yeosang was moved to the bed and after that he got his oxygen mask and a quick instruction on how to use it correctly.

Seokjin checked his dilation as Yeosang got another contraction and quickly closed his eyes again.

"Shhh just breath through it"
Seokjin said as Yeosang was taking deep steady breaths in the oxygen mask.

"O-ouch stop"
Yeosang let out as it was very painful when Seokjin checked him during a contraction.

"Shh almost done"
Seokjin said and Yeosang grabbed Seonghwa's hand tightly with his free hand.

"You're at a 9 which means it's time to get ready"
Seokjin said.

Yeosang let out as he was terrified.

Seokjin fixed with the last things before checking again and then smiled.

"You're at a 10 now"
Seokjin said and Yeosang kinda panicked.

"Shh baby just breath okay it's going to be fine"
Seonghwa said as he saw how scared Yeosang was.

Yeosang was on his back the bed slightly elevated so Yeosang could sit up a bit while his legs were being held by Seonghwa and another nurse.

"Okay take a deep breath and on your next contraction you start pushing okay"
Seokjin said and Yeosang nodded.

Yeosang looked at Seonghwa and got kisses by the older on the forehead.

"You can do this baby"
Seonghwa said and shortly after that another contraction hit him.

Yeosang started leaning forward with his head as he pushed.

"Come on keep going very good.
Push, push, push"
Seokjin said as Yeosang pushed even more.

"Good take a deep breath and wait until your next contraction"
Seokjin said and handed Seonghwa a cold cloth to place on Yeosang's forehead.

Yeosang laid back taking deep breaths until he felt the next contraction and leaned forward again only to start pushing.

That process went on for a while until Seokjin turned him to the side so Seonghwa was standing behind him holding his leg.

Yeosang thought the position was much more comfortable and Seonghwa got a new cold cloth to put on Yeosang's forehead which he did.

"Okay come on push again"
Seokjin spoke.

Yeosang pushed again closing his eyes tightly while gripping the bed rail.

After about 30 minutes the babies head started crowning.

"Arrrgh hurtsssss ahhhah"
Yeosang cried out.

"Come on push through the pain you're almost done"
Seokjin said

Yeosang was absolutely exhausted. He'd been pushing for 1 hour and had the feeling of giving up. He was just way too tired.

"I-I c-can't anymore~"
Yeosang cried out.

"Come on baby you can do it just a little more you're almost done"
Seonghwa spoke as he rubbed Yeosang's leg a bit.

"N-no no I really c-can't"
Yeosang cried as tears ran down from his eyes. .

"Come on Yeosang you can do it keep pushing" Seokjin said and as another contraction came Yeosang pushed again and again.

"Good take a deep breath you're almost done" Seokjin said as he helped the baby rotate.

"Good job baby it's almost done"
Seonghwa said and kissed Yeosang's birthmark.

"Okay keep pushing the shoulder are almost out"
Seokjin said and on the next contraction
Yeosang pushed with the last bit of strength he had left.

"I hate you Park Seonghwa-ahhh"
Yeosang screamed in pain.

"I'm sorry for putting you in so much pain" Seonghwa said and looked down at the bloody masterpiece Yeosang and the baby created.

Minutes passed and shortly after that the room was filled with baby cries.

The nurse made Yeosang lay on his back again and took off Yeosang's hospital gown so that he could do skin to skin with their new born.

"It's a girl"
Seokjin said as he placed their daughter on Yeosang's chest.

Seonghwa cut the cord and shortly after that the baby was taken away for a check up and Yeosang got cleaned up.

Seokjin came back with their daughter quickly and placed her or Yeosang's chest again covering them with a blanket.

Yeosang looked down at her and then at Seonghwa with tears in his eyes.

"Love you so so so much baby you did so good" Seonghwa said and kissed Yeosang on the lips only to get a soft kiss in return from his tired boyfriend.

Seonghwa quickly messaged the boys and told them that their daughter arrived safely and healthy.

As Seonghwa closed his phone and looked at Yeosang he was already asleep with their daughter in his arms.



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