"Now I can control it without taking it off and on. What is your name"

"Abi. It's short for Abigail."

"I'm Tamara."

"Well Tamara time to get revenge." her blue eyes filled with adventure and her dark eyes lit up with excitement.

I grinned from ear to ear "Lets get started." 

I dove into the cove and turned my legs into a dark blue tail decorated with a black chain around the hip. I was fast, Abi swam right next to me guiding me to the exit. We made it up to the surface way faster than I had before. I turned back to legs and swam towards the shore and Abi followed suit. "Keep a low profile and put a bathing suit on, like this" I waved a finger and the black bathing suit replaced my clothes once again. Abi changed into a purple two piece bathing suit with white polka dots. 

We swam all the way back to shore and onto the beach "First part of my plan is to get Elizabeth Macavoy, she is my age bullied and teased me for years. I plan on getting revenge on her first." I closed my eyes and located her "Right now she is at her house, let's move quickly. We ran off the beach and onto the sidewalk, I flicked my hand and both of us had on a black shirt with black skinny jeans and black heels. "You can change if you want." she nodded her head "You want to fly, ride, or run?" I couldn't choose so I asked for a second opinion

"Let's ride" I proofed up two black sleek motorcycles.

"First I have change my appearance." I swiped my hand over my body and became a lightly tanned girl with green eyes and long wavy black hair. "Now let's ride." I hopped on the motorcycle and Abi did the same on hers. I revved the engine "You have ridden this right?"

"Yea. Used to do it every once in a while."

I nodded my head then sped off I weaved through traffic with Abi behind me. The wind blew in my face and my hair went flew back with the wind. I made it to her house in no time.

"Here we are." I hopped of the bike and stared at the house. I brought my wings out and flew to her bedroom window. She was sleeping. I opened the window and climbed through then put my wings away. "Abi. This is the one and only Elizabeth." I whispered. I sat on the bed and stared at her. I slapped her face and watched her jump up. "Finally awake?" I had an evil smirk on my face

"Who are you? Why are you here?" She stood up and backed into a corner

"Oh you didn't know?"

"Know what?" Elizabeth was scared it only made me happier

"You're here to pay for your torturing, you see you tortured that poor girl Tamara yet no one did it to you. So here I am to set the score." I clapped my hands together and laughed

"Tamara? Why does everyone love that bitch. Her brother protects her till the end of time and she doesn't even worry about not having friends. She makes it seem like she's better than everyone else." Elizabeth's eyes filled with anger "Some of us don't even have real family who sticks by their side, she treats her brother like garbage."

"Now, now, did she ever really deserve to have rumors spread about her when she's never really done anything to you now has she?" I folded my arms across my chest staring at Elizabeth.

"Well I guess not. I should probably apologize." Elizabeth stared up at me showing confidence and determination.

"You're too late, Tamara is dead, gone from life, non-existent." my voice was harsh and my words caused Elizabeth to faint.

"What do we do now?" Abi looked at me confused. I was at a loss too, I hadn't expected her to apologize or be jealous of me. Elizabeth may have changed by just one sentence but the others won't. My mission will continue and it'll be wonderful. 

Plan Revenge is a go! I really need help making plan names. I guess I'll be generous and spare Elizabeth, but that's as nice as I get.

"We will leave her, erase her memories of today. She paid her dues but the others will NOT slide." I placed my hand on her forehead and erased her memory, my power wasn't the least bit drained I was like a fully charged battery on drugs. "We will attack my brother and his friends next but in order to do that we will need more powerful beings who are willing to help. Have any in mind?"

Abi's lips spread out into a grin "I know about two hundred people who would love to join us."

"Well let's go get them all." I smirked. We flew out the window and high into the sky.

"First stop, Hawaii." Abi said making me fly faster. I've never been to Hawaii and there was no possible way I wasn't excited for the trip "We're going to Mauna Loa the volcano there is where we'll meet some insteresting people." 

Abi and I high-fived each other in the air smiling like children in a candy store. Revenge, Hawaii, I'm living my dream!

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