Chapter Nine

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Percy dropped his sword with shock etched onto his face. His eyes were wide as he stared at the dark-haired boy in front of him. Percy hadn't planned on getting saved. He didn't want to.

     The boy had knocked the gun out of the burglar's hands before the thief could have shot Percy. The gun fell to the ground with the burglar when the boy punched the man. Before the dark-haired boy let his guard down, he made sure that the burglar was knocked out.

     The boy looked much younger than Percy and his physique smaller. The boy's pale skin looked as if he were sick and contrasted with all the black he wore. His obsidian eyes held mixed emotions of pain, sorrow, and concern. His shaggy black hair looked as though he had just gotten up from bed.

He pulled his aviator jacket tighter around him as he scowled. When his eyes met Percy's, he just huffed as he shook his head in disbelief.

     "Nico, I can explai—", Percy started weakly.

     "What is there to explain exactly?", Nico asked with bitterness lacing his tone. "Percy, you could have died just then!"

     "No, I had—"

     Nico put up a hand to silence Percy. "Don't tell me you had it under control. Charging into a fight stupidly isn't like you, Percy. Naive! Not stupid! He had a gun. A gun!"

     "I have eyes. I can see, thank you very much.", Percy folded his arms as he looked at Nico with a look of disdain. "Why are you here?"

     Percy didn't mean to sound so rude, but he felt about done with everyone. He was too tired and angry. Angry with who? He didn't know. Maybe he was just angry at the world, angry at everything, angry at himself. He felt his chest tighten as he blinked to force his unshed tears away.

     The anger on Nico's face disappeared as his eyes softened. "I was worried about you. You just up and left camp without telling anyone. Chiron knew this would have happened. It took a while to convince Will to let me shadow travel, but I was finally able to convince him."

     "Well,", Percy paused as he turned away from Nico. "You didn't need to."

Percy picked up riptide from the floor and capped it, making it change into its ballpoint pen form. He pocketed it and turned away from Nico as he walked out the door of the convenience store.

"Percy! Hold on!", Nico shouted as he followed Percy. "Where are you going? You have to come back to camp!"

"I don't have to go anywhere, Nico. Stop following me.", the green-eyed boy spoke sternly. "Just go back to camp already."

Nico stopped in his tracks, shocked and hurt by Percy's tone of voice. After a moment, he shook his head and chased after Percy. "Percy! Wait a minute!", Nico grabbed Percy's shoulder and spun him around to face him. "What is the matter with you? What's wrong?! I know the war took a toll on you! I know you feel lonely without her! Without them! But I'm here for you! We're here for you! Everyone at camp—!"

"Just shut up, will you?! Leave me alone! It's best for both of us, Nico.", Percy pushed Nico's shoulder, making the shorter stumble back. "Just leave already."

Percy continued to walk the way he came, back to the Wayne manor. He didn't want people to come into his life anymore. He would get attached easily and when he would finally feel happy, they would slip through his fingers.

Nico let out a low growl in anger as he clenched his jaw and spun on his heel. "Suit yourself then. Don't come crawling back.", he spoke in a deadly calm voice.

Percy ignored him, his eyes set before him. He was sure he wouldn't go crawling back. Not to his past life. He wanted it to be behind him, but he couldn't shake the dead's voices that wished for his death. They blamed him. They wished for justice. They wanted him to die a painfully slow death. Maybe then would they finally rest peacefully. Maybe then he would stop burning.


     "Back so soon, Master Perseus?", Alfred asked as he opened the front door and stood by it.

     Percy's head was hung low as his hands were placed limply at his sides. A struggled breath escaped Percy's lips as he walked into the mansion with hesitation. Was it alright that he stayed with these people? Did he have any right? Did he deserve it? Self-doubt clouded his mind like an incurable disease. No matter how hard he tried, the thoughts would always creep in.

     Just by Percy's silence and gestures, Alfred could tell something was wrong. The boy completely ignored his presence and he caught a glimpse of his pained facial expression. The pain that Percy showed could be seen in his eyes and the British butler couldn't help but worry deep down for him.

     "Master Perseus, are you alright?", Alfred stopped the boy by placing a hand on his shoulder.

     On reflex, Percy spun around swiftly and smacked Alfred's hand away. The sound caused Percy to regain his senses and his eyes widened in shock. He clenched his jaw as he faced Alfred and lowered his head once more.

     "I'm sorry...", Percy whispered softly.

     Alfred could hear the sincerity behind the young boy's words and couldn't help but smile gently. "It is alright, Master Perseus. I must've startled you."

     Percy looked up at the butler, caught off guard by his forgiving nature. "But I—!"

     Alfred cut him off. "Also, Master Richard is worried about you. He made quite the fuss about letting you go out alone, but I figured you could handle yourself."

     Percy's eyes crinkled as he tried to hold back unshed tears. He gripped his shirt tightly and shook his head. Why? Why do people continue worrying about him? He didn't deserve it. No way he did. But even so, people continued to be part of his life. They continued to try to make him happy.

"Master Perseus, you are always welcome here. We are already greatly fond of you.", Alfred patted Percy's shoulder gently.

Percy couldn't hold back the tears anymore and let a few slip. They slid down his cheeks and dropped to the floor, soaking into the hardwood floor. He sniffled as his lips twitched into a faint smile. "Thank you, Alfred. Thank you."

"It is always my pleasure, Master Perseus."


Song: NF - Hate Myself

A/N: I apologize for the late update. I have been busy. I hope everyone is doing alright during this crazy time. Please, take care of yourselves. Make sure to take care of yourselves not only physically, but mentally as well. I'm also sorry for this terrible chapter.


Abluvion (PJ & DC Crossover) - Rewritten Version Of The Fallen Hero Of OlympusWhere stories live. Discover now