The incident

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Jack's POV

I was with my next victim, standing next to the woods, we were playing a game, I told them not to worry about their parents, because they already know that they were going with Jack, but, I lied, they didn't know I was about to kill their child.

I then turned around to see that the child has stopped following me, I walk back to the entrance of the forest, to see my beautiful (Y/N), talking to that brat. It made me so mad when the child said that they weren't alone, but what angered me the most was the way my kill talked to her.

Then the Child called her...


She was MINE!

But I decided not to kill the child on the spot, and if looks could kill, they'd be dead where they stood.

I took the kid into the woods after my blossom, and the kid were done chitchatting, I told the kid I wanted to play hide and seek, they agreed, and walked with me.

But when we were deep enough in the forest, I threw the kid into a tree, then I put my claw on the child's stomach, they screamed in pain, as I slowly cut their stomach open, and stuff their insides with candy.

I couldn't help but laugh, as the child was screaming in pure terror, then the kid let out a high pitch scream, then I sliced their throat, someone must have heard that, I stood there and waited, then I saw someone I didn't expect to see, and my heart started to pound as she stood there with pure terror on her face.

She was beautiful, in that moment, it was only me and her, she seemed so innocent. Then Jane cane up behind her, does she know Jane? I was so confused at why she was with Jane, Jane the KILLER!

I was so confused, until Jane walked up to (Y/N) and she rubbed her back, then said, "I'm sorry sis."

She called her sis, are they sisters, I was shocked, I was lacking the words to say something, but what? I think, I was just surprised, and I was kinda getting angry at something that didn't even happen yet, I was angry about the thought that Jane would get in the way of (Y/N) and my relationship...

I don't want to lose her.

She was my everything.

But IDC! LOL... it's just me laughing isn't it...
OKAY bye! )

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