Meeting Candy Pop

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Jack's POV

When I saw her, I kinda tackled her to the ground.

But after she went to bed, went for a walk around the street, but when I went towards one of the bushes... it moved. Silently walked over to the bush, but before I looked behind it, I saw a blue Jester hat with bells on the end.

I pushed through the bush, but they disappeared.

And I think I might know who it is.

"Candy pop, come out here... right now."

I didn't hear anything for a minute, but then I heard his sharp laugh go through the air, then I felt hands on my shoulders.

"Wow, Jackie you've gotten better!"

"Heh, yeah, so... why are you here Candy?"

"... You know, Just making new friends..."

"Yeah, but are you sure your not here for any other reason?"


"Then you should get going."

"Hmp, fine, but tell your little girl toy I said hi."

As soon as he stepped out of the street light, he disappeared, and I was pretty sure he was here for (Y/N). But I won't let him take her.

I'll protect her from now on, I swear on it.

My blossom ( Laughing Jack x Reader )Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora