The long walk

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Your eyes were blurry as you opened them, when your eyes settled, you took a good look around the room, it was made of cement, and there was a pair of wooden stairs and a door at the top, and when you looked up, there was a single light swaying a little bit above your head, and you looked down to see the old wooden chair you were sitting on, it had some damp blood stains on the legs of the chair, but when you were looking at the legs of the chair, you noticed that you were tied up, you tried to move your hands and legs, but you couldn't move them.

You started hyperventilating, then you noticed a small black table not so far from the chair, and it had a gun on it, a crowbar and a couple rocks, you also saw the two stunning hatchets laying on the edge of the table, one had an orange handle.

You thought if you could get to the table and grab one of the hatchets, so you could cut the incredibly thick rope. So then you tried standing up, but you fell, and the chair went with you. You heard the crashing of the chair on the concrete, and you hoped nobody heard, so you stayed silent for a minute, and nobody came down, you then let out a sigh of relief.

It wasn't a surprise that the chair broke: it was soaked in blood, and it was really old, so it makes sense.

You quickly slide your hands out of the rope, then your hand grabbed the rope that was tied in a knot around your feet. When you were up, you decided to grab one of the weapons on the table, because you didn't know who kidnapped you, and it was for self-defense. You grabbed the hatchet with the orange Handel because it would probably help you with somethings, like if the door up the stairs was locked, you could just chop it down. (Hehe)

You then walked up the stairs to the door, then you gently put your hand on the knob, twist it, the door was open, you sigh with relief, then you slide out of the door, and you find yourself in a kitchen, you saw a clock on the wall, and it said 3:12 A.M.

You look out of the kitchen door to see a living room, then you look around to see if it was empty, you quickly ran out into the living room then opened the door standing on the left side, you slightly cracked the door and peaked through it to see it anyone was out there, but you didn't see anyone, you quickly dashed out of the building: you didn't have time to look back.

You stopped at a tree while you held the hatchet in your hand trying not to faint because you were so out of breath, then you sat down on the roots of the tree, you closed your eyes to rest for a minute.

You held the hatchet tightly as you rested your eyes, you didn't want to fall asleep in the woods, where those men still might have been. You open your eyes again, you get up and start walking opposite of the building, you then realize that you were right next to the same tree you sat down by. So you used the hatchet to mark an X on the tree, then you kept on walking.

Shortly after, you stop at the same tree with an X on it, you start to freak out, you decided to think logically, so you headed back towards the building.

When you saw it you looked the building up and down to see that it was a mansion, then you walked the opposite way and you didn't stop to rest this time.

You passed the X marked tree, then you came to the side of the road, you were so happy to get out of the forest, but you quickly take a look around, when you look to your far left, you see a man with a white mask on, and you could see his brown hair sticking out of the top, he also had a orange-yellow jacket on, and there were two other men standing right next to him, one of the men had a brown like hoodie on, and some brown pieces of hair stuck out, he had dark blue mask with a smile on it, he also had a pair of orange goggles, then you look at the last guy, he had a really bright yellow hoodie on him, you could see that he was wearing a ski mask with red eyes and a smile. The only reason you could see them was because of the street lights in the neighborhood, otherwise it was really dark.

You hid behind a tree, you saw that they were at least 50 feet away from you, then you watched as they walked into the forest, when you were sure they were gone, you walked out onto the street with the hatchet, you walked over to the sidewalk, you checked your pockets to see if you had your phone or your wallet, you didn't have either one, they must have been in your car. You whisper curses to yourself, and you walk into the nearest gas station, you leave the hatchet out side because you didn't want the employees the think you were robbing the place, you walked in and asked them if you could use there phone, they nodded, and you walked over the the telephone attached to the wall, you typed in a tow truck number so they could go and pick your car up, you told them the street your car was on and they asked for your credits card number you told them the number and then they asked for your address so they could bring your car to your house, you told them and they said, "have a great day."

You asked the employee where you were, you sighed than told the employee to have a good day. You walked out of the gas station, you grabbed the hatchet, the started to walk.

*Time skip*

You were so tired because you were two towns away from where you lived, you groaned, then you kept on walking hoping you reach your house within the next hour, and to be in your bed again to sleep all day, and you really wanted to see Jack, you wanted to feel his lips on your, and you wanted to see your sister, Jane."

My blossom ( Laughing Jack x Reader )Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora