The little boy

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Reader's POV

When you woke up, you felt cold breathing on your neck, you turn your head to see Jack lying there, you blush a little. You turn and face him, you put your hand on his cheek, not wanting to wake him up, but you sighed and blushed.

When you tried to get up, you felt a force pull you back down, you look over at Jack to see him smiling, you couldn't help but grin.

"Good morning!"

"Good morning. Um Jack, can I get up." You said a little flustered, and he chuckled, you blushed more.

"Hm, can you?" He had a devious smile on his face, you blushed putting your hands over your face.

"Please." The way you said it made his heart skip a beat, and you couldn't help but notice his face turn grey a little, you wondered if that was his blush.

"Yeah, you can go." He said the sentence with a sad tone in his voice that you couldn't help but notice.

As you walk down stairs, you went to the kitchen to get something for breakfast, you knew that Jack would want candy, so you went to the cabinet to get a bag of suckers. After you gave Jack the bag he smiled, then went to go eat, you went back to the kitchen and got some cereal.

"(Y/N) I'm going to be gone most of the week, for um, business."

"O-Okay Jack." 

After you were done eating you got up to put your bowl in the sink, but when you were in the kitchen, you looked up to see paper taped on the window, the note said, "please forgive me for my past actions, I would like to meet up with you sometime this week, and tell you how sorry I am in person. Please meet me at ###### hill, and please, come alone."

You were a little scared by what the note said but you decided to go to the hill tomorrow night, you still wondered who wrote the note.

As you went up stairs to get ready for work, you got a text from Kate.

"Sup, what are you doing later today"
                                      "Nothing much, I'm just getting ready for work, what about you."

"Ehh, I was just bored."

                                       "After work, do you want to hangout at the carnival in the neighboring town."

"Sure, I'll meet ya at your place at 5 pm, k"

                                      "Sounds good, meet ya there."

After you got ready for work, you sprinted out of the house locking the door and getting in the car, when you were at work you scoffed because you saw the player that works there, and he constantly flirts with all the girls. As you walk past him he looks at you from behind and smirks, he walks up to you and grabs your wrist, he blows in your ear, it makes you shiver.

"Go away Ash." (Sorry if your name is Ash)
"Make me." He said smirking.

You turned around and punched him in the nose then kicked him where it hurts, you ran to the stairs and went to work, you work at the hospital, as a nurse, and you wanted to help people and keep them alive and kicking.

You walk into your usual room to take care of the little boy in the room that had cancer, second hand smoke cancer to be exact.

"Hello Henry."

"Hello miss (L/N)."

He is such a sweet boy, he always uses manners, you thought that such a sweet little boy shouldn't have cancer. You walk over to him with his food that you just grabbed from the cafeteria, he smiled at you, then turned his head to talk to someone.

"Who are you talking to?"

"I'm talking to my imaginary friend, his name is ... wait, he hasn't told me his name yet, I'll have to ask him."

You smile to know that Henry was using his imagination, but it kinda worried you, because your little brother had an imaginary friend before he died.

My blossom ( Laughing Jack x Reader )Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ