The dog and the chocolate castle

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As you pulled into the drive way of your house,
You saw a dog in the middle of the road, you stopped the car, then you walked over to the side of the road, then you saw that there was a husky in the road but it had red fur, and a big smile across it's face, a car passed by, but when you looked back to where the dog was standing, it was gone.

You thought it was weird that a husky had red fur and a huge smile that reminded you of Jeff's.

"What was that dog doing out here all alone." You mumble to yourself as you let Jane out of the trunk.

"(Y/N) I had a lot of fun, did you?"

"Yeah I had fun, but I thought I saw something across the road."

"What did you see?"

"I don't know."

You lied to Jane because you think that the dog you saw might have been a creepypasta, and you knew all about creepypasta from stories online, and you read about their past, since you read them you thought the dog could have been smile dog, but you were just guessing so you didn't know yet.

You grabbed your keys and opened the door to see Jack building a castle of Hershey bars, you looked at the castle of chocolate, then up at Jack.

"Whoa Jack, that's really cool!" Jack looked at you then smirked.

"Now that you mention it, it looks delicious, do you want some (Y/N)." Jack had a wide smile on his face that showed you he was in a good mood, and you knew he built the castle because he was bored.

"Sure, I'll have some, Jane do you want any?" Jane looked at you like are you stupid, of course.

"Of course I want some, it looks so good!"

Jack smiled at you then looked at Jane, you could tell he didn't like her, but he definitely liked you so he gave Jane some of the chocolate, then he gave you a plate and you sat down next to Jane, you looked behind you to see Jack eating half of the Hershey castle, you giggled a little then turned your head to eat your chocolate, Jack noticed you giggled then he silently walked behind you then he smirked, he wrapped his long arms around you then he kissed your cheek, your face was fire red, he noticed and blushed a little bit, Jane looked over and saw his arms wrapped around you, then you could feel the tense aura coming off of her. After you finished your chocolate, you got up being released from Jack's grip, then you told the both of them good night, then you headed off to get ready for bed.

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