A filler about Sam and Gabe

Start from the beginning

Watching his sleeping baby brother, Gabriel can't help but smile softly. It was crazy to think of how he had grown and changed so much over the years. Going from a tiny, defenseless baby to a strong willed 11-year-old. Yet another reminder of the constant passing of time.

Leaving his brother to sleep, Gabriel heads to his room (no longer did he have to share with Lucifer, his parents had swapped Lucifer for Castiel after the whole snake incident). It was rare that Gabriel got the room to himself, Castiel was usually always in there at night, typing away on his laptop.

Now, the room was strangely quiet as Gabriel silently got changed and crawled into bed. He lay in the dim room, staring up at the ceiling as his thoughts began to run their nightly marathon. Tonight, all he could think about was Sam. Oh chuck that had been so awkward, and he had just made it worse. Going on like an idiot about starting from the start, he groaned and pulled the blankets over his head.

Sam must think he was an idiot. Maybe he was, chasing after a friendship that was now in the past.

The door swings open, breaking his train of thought. Peeking out from under his covers, Gabriel watched as a tired looking Castiel curled up on his own bed. It was silent for a moment, and for a moment it seemed as though Castiel had already fallen asleep. Then he heard it, the soft sob coming from his younger brother.

Gabriel closes his eyes, feeling close to crying himself. It hurt, knowing his brother was hurting, and not being able to help him.

Climbing out of bed, Gabe quietly pads across to Castiel's bed and sits next to him. He couldn't do anything more than sit there, offering some comfort to his brother. Neither of them speak, Castiel curled up on his side and Gabriel squeezing his hand.

He must have fallen asleep there, because next thing Gabriel knows, he's waking up to his alarm ringing loudly through the quiet morning air. Castiel was still asleep next to him, his black hair fluffy and messy. He looked years younger in sleep, a rare look of peace on his face.

Gabriel hurried to grab his stuff and run to the bathroom, determined to beat Lucifer there. He heard Castiel grumbling quietly as he left the room, but other than that the house was silent. It wouldn't be long before the others got up and were fighting over the two bathrooms. 

While he waited for the shower water to heat up, he took a moment to look at himself in the mirror. He was... nervous. That surprised him because no one ever made Gabe nervous, not even rival dancers at competitions. But the prospect of spending time with Sam did make him nervous. He didn't want to mess this up. He frowned at his pale, scrawny reflection. He knew that someone like Sam would never see him as more than a friend. Perfect, tall Sammy with his hazel eyes and long hair... Was Sam straight? Or gay? Or something else? Gabriel needed to find out. Not because he already had a massive crush on the moose, jeez, just so he... knew. 

Shouting came from outside the door, already the morning battles had begun. Hurrying to have his shower, Gabriel dressed and left the bathroom. Castiel and Lucifer were wrestling to get through the door, which was honestly just amusing to watch. Shaking his head, Gabriel smooths a nervous hand through his hair in an attempt to flatten it out a bit. 

After many fights over bathroom time, breakfast and who had stolen Lucifer's soccer ball, the Novaks were finally climbing into Balthazar's car and speeding towards school.

Balthazar pulls up out front of the school, turning to glare at the teenagers in the back. "Now please, for the love of Chuck, don't get into any trouble."

"Us? Never." Gabriel grabs his bag and scrambles out of the car.

"I don't think I've ever seen you excited to go to school." Lucifer says as he followed Gabe. "Are you okay?""

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