Get him back: Part one

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It was the early hours of the morning before Dean finally dragged himself away from the bright computer screen. His head hurt, his eyes burned but their pockets would be a bit less lighter for it. 

"Thanks Ash man, this has been great," Dean grabs his jacket, fighting back a yawn. 

"Yeah well you two just look after yourselves, 'kay?" Ash runs a hand through his hair. "And be kind on Sammy, you're both in a shitty situation, don't go turning on each other alright?"

"Will do, you know us, the Winchesters can get through anything," Dean grins. 

"Just make sure you keep it that way." Ash is suddenly serious, a very out of character tone for the laid back teen. "You guys need to stick together out there, and pray they catch that bastard soon, of course if you wanted to, Ellen would take you-"

"No, no," Dean shakes his head. "You didn't see what he did to... I can't bring that thing to anyone else's house..." he hated just thinking about it. Because of them, Adam was now an orphan, what if that happened to little Jo?

"Well... if you're ever around MIT in the future, be sure to come in and say hi."

"You got in? Already?"

"Early graduation dude, I'll be heading there next year."

They hug again after Dean congratulates him, and then Dean's shuffling out into the cooling night. Sammy was probably super angry at him for taking so long, but hopefully he would be asleep by now.

The parking lot was quiet and still, save for the distant sound of insects, and Dean takes a moment to just stand there and look up at the stars. Out here, away from all the light pollution, they were incredible. Sammy would have at least liked being able to look up at them - being the nerd that he was, he probably knew all the constellations too.

He knew it was only a matter of time before Sammy was put ahead a grade or two in school. After all, the only thing holding him back now was his inability to talk there.

Resuming the walk to Baby, Dean doesn't immediately notice the fact that she was empty. 

When he does, his heart freezes in fear. Where was Sam?


Sam's head felt like it was going to explode from the pain. Raising his head slowly, he blinks groggily. For a moment the world around him was blurry. As his eyes slowly cleared and adjusted, he saw that he was in some sort of dark room. It was cold, and a strong musty smell invaded his nose.

Groaning, he pulls on the rough cords that were digging into his wrists. His shoulders ached from the horrible angle they were pulled at. 

The only plus side was that he appeared to be alone, whoever had taken him wasn't hanging around at least. Taking a deep breath, Sam tries to control his frantic thoughts. 'I'm okay, I can get out of this...' Oh who was he kidding, he was too young to be able to deal with this crap. Where was Dean? Did he even know he was missing? How long had he even been gone for.

Huffing in frustration, Sam tries to grab at the knot but whoever had done this was obviously somewhat of a professional because he could barely move his hands. Somewhat meaning that while yes, he couldn't move his hands, he could still move them side to side - painfully, his shoulders were screaming in protest - and with the loose screw he could feel, he might be able to fray the rope over the... screwy part. Yeah, he was smart as in book-smart, wood-shop wasn't a subject of his choice. 

Hissing under his breath as his shoulder's get agonizingly painful from the swaying movement, Sam grits his teeth and keeps sawing. Who knew how long he had left before his captor came back.

Speaking of, what the hell was going to happen to him? A horrible, creeping suspicion had worked it's way into Sam's head and the thought terrified him. What if this was his parent's killer?

Fresh tears start to trickle down his face, and there was no stopping them. He was... helpless. Helpless and weak. Slumping in the seat, Sam watches the tears fall onto the dusty floor.

He thought of Dean, his big brother would be so much more braver than him right now. He wouldn't be crying, he would be getting out of here. Dean would be strong, brave and smart. 

Sniffling, he straightens up. He had to get out of here, because that's what Dean would do. Although he doubted Dean would be sitting here with tears streaming down his face. Slowly breathing out, Sam squeezes his eyes shut to deter any more tears and gets back to work sawing the rope across the screw. He would get out of here.

This becomes a mantra that he repeats in his head as he forces his shoulders to keep moving. 

He would get out of here.


Dean was ready to murder someone.

Pacing back and forth in the roadhouse, he tries to collect his frantic thoughts. What could he do? What should he do? His brother was missing for crying out loud, he couldn't just sit here and do nothing. 

"Dude, we'll call the cops-"

"They'll think he's just run away, we are runaways after all," Dean was feeling his panic rising. What if the cops took him away and put him in a home? Would they ever find Sammy? And if they did would the brother's be separated forever? No, he was going to find his little brother, no matter what. 

Ash was leaning against the bar, looking a great deal calmer than Dean. "Well..."

Dean's head snaps up, "what?"

"I mean, it's really not a good idea-"

"What's not a good idea?" Ellen appears so suddenly at the doorway that both boys jump. "Ash, honey, I told you that I don't want you blowing anything else up."

In any other situation, Dean would have been very interested in finding out the backstory behind that, but right now he felt one moment away from completely losing it. 

"I would never," Ash scoffs, rolling his eyes. "But.... Dean and I need to talk to your Sioux Falls fellow."

"Bobby? Why?" She fixed Dean under her suspicious glare. "What on earth are you two up to?"

"Please El, its important." Ash loses the laid back attitude for a moment, and Dean was touched by the genuinely worried look that was on the teen's face. "Please."

Ellen stares him out for a moment, her brows furrowed. For a moment it looked as though she was going to say no and Dean felt his heart sink. If this 'Bobby' character could help him get Sammy back, he needed to meet him. 

Finally, Ellen relents, sighing as she shakes her head. "You know what? Fine, I'll call him and ask him to head up early, you're just lucky he was coming up to help with the move Ash."

Ash silently fist  pumps the air, turning to shoot Dean a grin. "See, we'll get your brother back."

Dean felt relief fill him. He had had one job, to look out for his little brother and he didn't intend to fail that now.

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