Get him back: Part two

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Bobby was quite possibly the most amazing adult Dean had ever met. In the first five minutes of arriving, he had called the both of them idjits, yelled 'Balls' after dropping something on his foot and hugged Dean while promising to get his brother back.

"So Bobby, you think you can help us?" Ash was perched on the bar, cleaning out a gun. 

Dean couldn't believe it. A real life gun. He kept staring at it, wondering what it was like to shoot with it. He bet it was badass. Like in the movies and cop shows. 

"Well, judging by the tire tracks I saw headin' west, they headed somewhere out that way."

"How did you know it was them?" Dean manages to look away from the gun, curious as to how the older man already knew that. 

"Well..." Bobby held something out, "Does this look familiar?"

It was a shoe. Sam's scruffy, old shoe. "Where did you-"

"Y'know those tire tracks? This was lying beside where they started so...." Bobby raises his brows. "Seems pretty obvious to me."

Dean stares at the shoe. A fresh wave of anger and worry rising within him. He was gonna get this douche that took Sammy, and was going to murder him. 

"Now, s'far as I can tell, all that lies that way is miles and miles of nothing, but there is an old farmhouse about a mile down, so unless this guy is planning on trekking across state lines with your brother, that's where they're gonna be." 

Wow, this guy was amazing. A small niggle of hope started to burn away his fears. Maybe, just maybe, they could get Sammy back. 

Now Bobby fixed him with a long stare, "boy, are you sure you don't want the cops involved?"

Dean nods. There was no way he was letting anyone stop him from being there to protect his brother. He refused to get separated from Sammy. 

"Right, Ash c'mon we have to go."

Oh hell no. "I'm coming too."

Bobby glances down at him, eyebrows raised. "You sure as hell ain't. I don't need to be watching after you too, no, you stay here kid."

Dean narrows his eyes, crossing his arms and standing as tall as he could. "I'm coming."

"Cute, but no." Bobby ushers Ash out of the room, shaking his head at Dean. "We'll bring your brother back."

Then they were gone, leaving Dean fuming in the empty bar. This was stupid. He wanted to help and yet they were just going to leave him here like some... some... kid. Oh hell no.

Mind made up, Dean retreats back to the hall, where the late Bill Harvelle's gun sat proudly in a display cabinet. It wasn't his fault that he knew where the ammo was kept. The bullets... fell into his pocket and the gun. Oops.

Running out to the impala, Dean throws the gun onto the passenger seat as the engine roars to life. Not bothering with the seat belt, he presses his foot flat on the accelerator and the engine revs loudly. Then his Baby is speeding out of the parking lot, throwing up gravel behind him as he went. 

Tires squealing as they met the asphalt, Dean skillfully changes gear as Baby speeds up. The landscape around him blurs by, there was no sign of Bobby ahead and he knew that it would be impossible to catch up with them if they too were speeding. 

By now, he was going faster than he had ever drove before, but all fears of cops or crashing were outweighed by his worry for Sammy. This worry has him increasing the speed. 

This all came crashing down seconds later when he noticed flashing blue and red lights in the rear view mirror. 

"Dammit." Dean growls, torn between stopping and driving on. This was the last freaking thing he needed at the moment. "Dammit!" Dean swears louder, smacking his hands on the steering wheel. He knew it would be worse if he kept driving. 

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