They finally meet

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The Novaks
September 10th


The boy out the window reminded him so clearly of an old friend that he felt his heart tug. Of course, he could see small differences even from his bedroom. For example, this boy appeared to be talking to his friend. 

Not that Gabe could be certain about his friend's situation anymore, not since it had been so awfully long since they had parted ways. Still, he mourned for their short friendship, he had never been able to be so comfortable with someone outside of the family like that before. 

"Gabey!"He watched as the reflection of  Cas came running into the room, followed closely by a crawling Samandriel who was wearing fluffy angel pajama's.

"Hey Cassie." He pulls himself away from the window, turning to face his brothers properly. He was bored as heck, and looked forward to his grounding being finished. 

"Mummy said to come and tell you that... that dinner was ready!" Cas grinned toothily, obviously proud to have relayed the message so well. 

"Is Luci down there?" He hadn't seen his older brother since the prank that had ended up with him being grounded. "Is he still angry at me?" His lips twitch up as he represses laughter. Good god Lucifer had suited the glittery look.

"No, Luce's over at... over at his friends house." Castiel wrung his hands, looking down.

"He's in the hall, isn't he?" Gabe had been expecting payback all week.

"No!" Yes.

"Okay, sure kiddo, tell mummy I'll be down soon.

Castiel nods, turning and running off. Samandriel had obviously decided that Gabe and Lucifer's room was more interesting because he had taken to exploring with that wide, innocent gaze of his. 

"Hey Alfie," Gabriel slid off the window seat, heading over to his baby brother. "Aren't you getting fast?"

Alfie grinned up at him, reaching his hands out. "Lift up?"

"Yeah, okay bud," Gabriel grabbed him, bringing him up onto his hip. "Lift up, but buddy you're getting too big for me, I'm not that tall yet!" He couldn't wait until he was older, and finally taller than his siblings. Already Castiel was almost as tall as him, the kid was two years younger than him! And soon, he would outgrow Gabriel if Gabe's body doesn't start working soon.

'Imma be the tallest kid in this family, just you wait,' Gabriel affirmed, carrying his little brother out into the hall. 

"Hey Gabey, might wanna be careful going downstairs," Balthazar appeared at the top of the stairs, a faint trace of glittery pink paint on his forehead.


"Yep," Balthazar grabs Samandriel off him, "he's determined to get back at you."

Gabriel grinned, "thanks." He had been waiting for Lucifer to finally try and get back at him. "I'll be right back!"

"You know what? I have a bad feeling about this so I'm just gonna go downstairs... don't wanna get caught in the crossfire," Balthazar walks off.

He just doesn't have a good sense of humor, Gabriel scoffs, retrieving the packet of a hundred bouncy balls from his room. Luci, here I come. He bares his teeth in a grin, creeping back down the hall to the top of the stairs. A peek down proved that Lucifer was indeed standing halfway up them with water balloons in his hands.

"I'M THE TRICKSTER," Gabriel shouts, successfully startling Lucifer before letting loose the mini balls. He watches with pride as they all bounce down and hit Lucifer, sending him tumbling backwards down the stairs. "Bitch!" 

Then and NowOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant